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Section 3 Expanding Interests in Asia and Latin America

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1 Section 3 Expanding Interests in Asia and Latin America
Chapter 22 Section 3 Expanding Interests in Asia and Latin America

2 A Power in the Pacific In 1850s, Commodore Perry opened Japan to Western trade and culture under threat of force Japan signed a treaty giving American ships access to its ports 1890s – Japan defeated China. sphere of influence – area where foreign nations claimed special rights and economic privileges.

3 The U.S. and China 1890s; many European
countries and Japan established prosperous settlements along the coast of China. U.S. (John Hays) proposed Open Door Policy: No single country should have a monopoly on trade with China. Chinese against foreigners; Boxer Rebellion – uprising of Chinese against foreigners.

4 America secures the Philippines
1902- U.S. put down the independence movement in the Philippines. Philippines would provide a path to Chinese markets. U.S. controlled a chain of islands in the Pacific; Hawaii and Guam. (pg )

5 U.S. Interests in Latin America
Panama Canal – needed a connection between the Atlantic and Pacific. U.S. supported a revolution in Panama to secure rights for the canal. Eventually paid (1921) Colombia $25 million.

6 Panama Canal in the making
Construction began in 1906; finished 1914. 44,000 workers. Cost $350-$380 million to build. More than 5,500 died of disease and accidents. Malaria – an infectious disease marked by cycles of chills and fever.

7 Panama Canal continues
President Roosevelt-first U.S. President to leave the United States while President. -the Panama Canal on August 15, 1914. The canal today still helps move people and goods all around the world.

8 U.S. Involvement in Latin America
Businesses wanted resources from the South; bananas, coffee, copper. Sell at higher prices in the U.S. Land for farming and mining. Theodore Roosevelt – reminded Europe of the Monroe Doctrine: the policy that barred European nations from intervening in Latin America Added the Roosevelt Corollary – authorizing U.S. to police the region; would intervene in Latin America’s domestic affairs if necessary.

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