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WGISS-GEO Session (Cont’) Pakorn Apaphant February 27 th, 2007 The 25 th WGISS Plenary, Sanya, China.

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Presentation on theme: "WGISS-GEO Session (Cont’) Pakorn Apaphant February 27 th, 2007 The 25 th WGISS Plenary, Sanya, China."— Presentation transcript:

1 WGISS-GEO Session (Cont’) Pakorn Apaphant February 27 th, 2007 The 25 th WGISS Plenary, Sanya, China

2 CEOS- GEO Action Number CEOS Acti on Cate gory : (1 to 4) Action Description Due Date POC POC Orga niza tion All Agen cy and Orga niza tion Part icip atio n CEOS Work ing Grou p and Cons tell atio n Part icip atio n CL-06- 02_13 1 Conduct an ACC / Climate Workshop to develop requirements and long-term plans for supporting the measurement and long- term trending of atmospheric Essential Climate Variables (ECV). 9/30/ 2008 Hilsenrath (Martha) NASA NASA, NOAA, ESA, CSA, GEO ADC AC, WGCV, WGIS S

3 CL-06- 02_14 1 WGISS IDN TT iterate with Climate SBA (Lead, Mitch Goldberg) to demonstrate climate data records showing long-term trends and variability information for societal benefit on CEOS IDN Portal providing access to ECVs. Candidate drill-throughs include e.g PATMOSX. 9/15/ 2008 Ken McDonald NOAA NOAA, NASA WGIS S HE-06- 03_2 2 Demonstrate a global smoke plume and dust forecasting product (IDEA) using multiple satellites and trajectory models for air quality health hazards. 6/30/ 2009 Jack Fishman (Karen) NASA NASA, NOAA, ESA, EC AC, WGIS S, WGEd u

4 HE-07- 01_1 2 Develop a long-term plan for efficient and economical access to critical space-based imagery to support modeling, forecasting and monitoring of health issues. 6/30/ 2009 Murielle Lafaye (WGISS:__ ??) (Pual’s Action) CNES GEO, CNES, UNOO SA, WHO, GMES WGIS S HE-06- 03_3 2 Develop a plan to integrate in-situ vegetation health data to improve global Vegetation Health Index (VHI) products in affected countries 12/30 /2009 ????? Felix Kogan (Natalia’s action) WHO NOAA, NESD IS, STAR NOAA, NESD IS, STAR, WMO, WHO WHO WGIS S WGCV ?? -Financial Support for economical studies -Need support from WG on free access to space imagery data for heath issues -Although they likely exist, in situ data needed for “calibration” on the products are not freely accessible from many endemic malaria areas

5 AR-07- 02_1 1 WGISS Sensor Web TT Scenario contributes to Sensor Interoperability Session in the next iteration of the Architecture Implementation Pilot. 10/1/ 2008 Terence van Zyl CSIR CSIR, NASA, JAXA WGIS S

6 AR-07- 02_2 1 Participate in AIP in 2008 with catalogs server, WMS server and client and support its pilot activities. Evaluation of interface protocol between JAXA server and GEOSS portal/clearinghouse (after GEOSS clearinghouse/portal are identified). 10/1/ 2008 Satoko Miura JAXA WGIS S DA-06- 01_1 CEOS SIT convene data experts to review implementation guidelines and provide feedback to task lead. TBD WGIS S

7 DA-07- 03_5 1 In support of the Land Surface Imaging (LSI) Constellation, provide a demonstration prototype of an LSI Constellation portal. 9/1/2 008 Lyndon Oleson USGS USGS, GIST DA, CRES DA, ISRO, NASA, NOAA WGIS S, LSI

8 DA-07- 04_1 3 WGISS Sensor Web TT works with Jack Fishman and Ernie Hilsenrath to agree on prototype which, when implemented, demonstrates EO-1 tasking in response to smoke forecast, adding to HE-06- 03_3. 3/1/2 008 Terence van Zyl CSIR CSIR, NASA WGIS S, ACC DA-07- 06_1 3 Establish a Data Integration and Analysis Task Team, which would assist the Task Leads of DA- 07-06 in enlisting interested data providers, sharing data integration methods, and organizing and participating in planned workshops. 3/1/2 008 Possibly Satoko JAXA JAXA, NOAA WGIS S

9 WGISS-GEO Participation IdrankactWGISS POC Note CL-06-02Yes Martha Maiden 2 actions for Martha and Ken CL-06-05Lola Olsen - WA-07-01Yes Satoko Miura WA-08-P1 Satoko Miura

10 WGISS-GEO Participation Task IdrankactWGISS POC Note WA-06-07Liu Chuang -Liu needs to coordinate with WGEdu -to update the questionnaire DA-06-04Yes?? DA-06-09YesPaul Kopp -Data Interoperability Handbook -To fill the questionnaire EC-07-01Lola Olsen AR-07-01YesTerence Van Zyl

11 WGISS-GEO Participation Task IdrankactWGISS POC Comments/Actions AR-07-02Yes Terence Van Zyl 2 CEOS-GEO Actions for Terence and Satoko DA-06-01YesD. Clark WGISS doesn’t have any related activities DA-07-03YesMartha Median -WGISS Will recommend as a priority -1 CEOS-GEO action for Lyn -Need questionnaire DA-07-04YesTerence Van Zyl - DA-07-06YesSatoko

12 (New) WGISS-GEO Participation HE-06-03YesKaren/Terence - To complete questionnaire HE-07-01 Yes ??? WGISS doesn’t have any related activity AG-06-04YesGrid TT ?? Limited resource. DA-07-01Wyn Cudlip -WGCV Lead -To complete questionnaire DI-06-09YesPakorn Apaphant -TBC after Disaster SBA meeting (April 25) -To complete questionnaire

13 Request to PoCs Short term – to complete the questionnaire –Follow up “actionable actions”, If any –Respond emails Medium and long term –Coordinate with CEOS-GEO task lead –Follow up “actionable actions” –Develop, Implement, and Update –Brief Progress report quarterly (3, 6, 9, 12) –Respond emails

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