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1 Secondary EL Designee Professional Development Meeting Wednesday, September 2, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Secondary EL Designee Professional Development Meeting Wednesday, September 2, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Secondary EL Designee Professional Development Meeting Wednesday, September 2, 2015

2 WELCOME from Pedro Garcia, Administrator of Instruction

3 How Was Your Summer?

4 Share Your Summer Pic Find the ONE picture on your cell phone that summarizes or represents your summer vacation and share it with someone at your table.

5 Today’s Agenda Today we will… 1. PACE 2. COMPLIANCE 2. INSTRUCTION

6 Norms for Collaborative Learning Honor time by being efficient and effective Listen to understand: Stay tuned in and on task Invite different perspectives; Disagree agreeably Avoid sidebar conversations Assume good intentions Turn off cell phones or switch to vibrate


8 PACE ELAC: Orientation and Election of Officers

9 Reclassification Rate


11 OLAS August 2015 Accountabilities September 2015 Accountabilities Reclassification Monitoring ELD: Classroom Organization

12 12 Instructional Online Accountability System (OLAS) Understand the purpose of the required documents that must be uploaded in the Instructional Online Accountability System (OLAS)

13 13

14 14

15 15

16 16

17 17

18 18

19 19

20 Reclassification Scholastic Reading Inventory

21 SRI: 2014-15



24 LD South Website

25 EL Programs

26 Student Placement The purpose of this section is to provide procedures and guidance on Master Plan program student placement.

27 27 Daily Instruction in English Language Development State Law “Daily instruction in English language development which shall include: (1) listening and speaking skills (2) reading and writing skills” Source: California Education Code, Section 52160-52178 District Policy – REF – 3661.1

28 28 EL Master Plan, pg. 40

29 29

30 Secondary, Placement, Scheduling and Staffing 30

31 MEM-6046.3 Attachment A 31 MEM-6046.3, Page 12

32 32 MEM-6046.3 Attachment A MEM-6046.3, Page 12

33 EL Students with Disabilities REF-5994.1 33

34 EL Students with Disabilities REF-5994.1 34

35 EL Students with Disabilities REF-5994.1 35

36 EL Students with Disabilities REF-5994.1 36

37 Alternate Curriculum REF-5994.1 37

38 INSTRUCTION Smarter Balanced: Claims and Targets Constructive Conversations Skills: 4 Corners

39 Questions?

40 Evaluation Links

41 Rosalia McKay Elementary EL Instructional Coordinator 310-354-3484 Helen Choi, Secondary EL Instructional Coordinator 310-354-3462 Marcos Navas, EL Programs Coordinator 310-354-3505

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