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1. PBDA1 Agenda for introduction q1. Course details q2. Disclaimer q3. Reasons why systems fail q4. Products q5. Cycles, phases, and activities q6. PBDA.

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Presentation on theme: "1. PBDA1 Agenda for introduction q1. Course details q2. Disclaimer q3. Reasons why systems fail q4. Products q5. Cycles, phases, and activities q6. PBDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. PBDA1 Agenda for introduction q1. Course details q2. Disclaimer q3. Reasons why systems fail q4. Products q5. Cycles, phases, and activities q6. PBDA

2 1. PBDA2 1. Course details qCourse and instructor qCourse content qTextbook and time qSchedule qGrading qFormats 1. Course details

3 1. PBDA3 Course and instructor Course -- 7310 Systems Engineering Design Room -- 218 Caruth Hall Instructor -- Jim Hinderer Work phone number -- (972) 344 7410 Home phone number -- (972) 359 1557 E-mail address -- 1. Course details

4 1. PBDA4 Course content rShow how to design a system from start to delivery rShow applications to commercial and military systems, large and small systems, hardware and software systems, and people systems 1. Course details

5 1. PBDA5 Textbook and time rTextbook -- none rClass time -- 7:15 - 9:15 1. Course details

6 1. PBDA6 Schedule rMay 29 -- Introduction rJune 3, 5 -- Design rJune 10, 12 -- Ideas rJune 17, 19 -- Examples rJune 24, 26, July 1 -- Math rJuly 3 -- Project rJuly 8, 10, 15 -- Math rJuly 17 -- System rJuly 22 -- Software rJuly 24 -- Hardware rJuly 29 -- Final 1. Course details

7 1. PBDA7 Grading qProject -- 50% qFinal -- 50% 1. Course details

8 1. PBDA8 Formats qNon-electronic: Pencil and paper qElectronic: Office 97 Word, Excel, PowerPoint qPC and not Macintosh 1. Course details

9 1. PBDA9 2. Disclaimer qDesign is more of an art than a science. qAlmost any approach to design will work if someone takes ownership of success qNo one approach is better than all the others qWe will use the approach used in the Systems Engineering Process course 2. Disclaimer

10 1. PBDA10 3. Reasons systems fail after delivery before delivery lack of qualified people unmanaged risks wrong requirements failure to execute other didn’t meet requirements overlooked something failed to impress customer 3. Reasons systems fail

11 1. PBDA11 4. Products qProduct definition qProducts composed of products qTypes of products qNeed for products qNeed for lower-level products qExamples 4. Products

12 1. PBDA12 Product definition (1 of 2) qA product is something produced by nature or by human industry or art qA product is something we can procure -- hardware, software, data, services. 4. Products

13 1. PBDA13 Product definition (2 of 2) qExamples l Hardware -- space shuttle, house, circuit card, resistor l Software -- program, firmware l Data -- documents, management objects l Services -- activities qThe concept of a product makes explaining system engineering easier. 4. Products

14 1. PBDA14 Products composed of products Level 1 Product Level 2 Product 1 Level 2 Product 2 Level 3 Product 1 Level 3 Product 2 Level 4 Product 2 Higher-level products Lower-level products Level 4 Product 1 Level 4 Product 3 4. Products

15 1. PBDA15 Types of products (1 of 2) Level N Product Deliverable Products Environment Products Engineering Products Products can be divided into three types of products -- delivered products, environment products, and engineering products. Products can be divided into three types of products -- delivered products, environment products, and engineering products. 4. Products

16 1. PBDA16 qDeliverable products -- part of level-N product q Environment products -- physical products that interact physically with the level-N product throughout its life, such as manufacturing, test, and maintenance equipment q Engineering products -- other products that enable development of the level-N product, such as specifications Types of products (2 of 2) 4. Products

17 1. PBDA17 Need for products qWe need products to describe what we’re controlling qProducts may be developed or procured without development 4. Products

18 1. PBDA18 Need for lower-level products qWe need lower-level products if we’re going to procure something needed for doing the development 4. Products

19 1. PBDA19 Good example -- We can use the lower-level products to make the higher-level product Good example -- We can use the lower-level products to make the higher-level product Example 1 -- model airplane Model airplane FuselageWingStabilizerRudderGlue 4. Products

20 1. PBDA20 Bad example -- We wouldn’t use the lower-level products to make the higher-level product Bad example -- We wouldn’t use the lower-level products to make the higher-level product House KitchenBathroomBedroom 1Bedroom 2Garage Example 2 -- house, bad example 4. Products

21 1. PBDA21 Good example -- We can use the lower-level products to make the higher-level product Good example -- We can use the lower-level products to make the higher-level product Example 3 -- house, good example House Plumbing FramingRoofElectricalFoundationDry wall 4. Products

22 1. PBDA22 5. Cycles, phases, and activities qDefinitions qProduct life cycle qPre-develop-phase activities qDevelop-phase activities qPost-develop-phase activities qExample 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

23 1. PBDA23 Definitions qCycle -- a complete set of events occurring in the same sequence l Product life cycle l Contract life cycle qPhase -- part of a cycle; the period of time the activities take qActivity -- execution of a set of tasks qProcess -- steps used to accomplish an activity 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

24 1. PBDA24 Product life cycle Phases Time Pre-develop Post-develop Develop 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

25 1. PBDA25 Pre-develop-phase activities Sub phases or activities Time Meet the customer Discuss the work Respond to RFP Sub phases overlap Identify opportunity 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

26 1. PBDA26 Develop-phase activities Sub-phases or activities Time Understand requirements Design Acquire products Build Verify Sell off Sub-phases overlap Manage 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

27 1. PBDA27 Post-develop-phase activities Sub-phases Time Train Produce Upgrade Maintain Operate Dispose Sub-phases overlap Field test and validate Support 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

28 1. PBDA28 Example -- build a house Activities Time Learn what buyer wants Have architect make blueprint Get land and lumber Build See if the house is OK Close Supervise 5. Cycles, phases, and activities

29 1. PBDA29 6. PBDA qApproach qPBDA block diagram qApplication of PBDA to products qExample qWork products (WPs) 6. PBDA

30 1. PBDA30 The approach Determine what customer wants Decide what to do Get what it takes to do it Do it Check it out Convince customer it’s what he or she wanted Make it happen 2. Basic approach Approach consists of applying these seven activities to each product in the system Approach consists of applying these seven activities to each product in the system

31 1. PBDA31 PBDA block diagram 1. Manage 2. Understand req 3. Design 4. Acquire 5. Build 6. Verify 7. Sell off External: higher product teams External: lower product teams contracts, specs, interfaces specs, I/Fs contracts lower specs & I/Fs design lower contracts, specs, interfaces status lower product, test results, test spec agree lower test results lower products build proc product test proc test results test spec people, facilities, tools, capital, communications, library schedule, budget, risks, TPPs, issues, AIs, plans, timeline, changes, problems, legal control, status agree status MR RR CRPDRCDR TRRVR FCAPCA

32 1. PBDA32 Application of PBDA to products Product of interest Lower product N Higher product Lower product 1 Lower product 2 PBDA is applied to each product separately 6. PBDA

33 1. PBDA33 Example with 10 products System Subsystem HWCI Unit CSCI HWCIUnit CSCI Example (1 of 2) 6. PBDA

34 1. PBDA34 Developing the example with 10 instantiations of PBDA 1 23 67 8 9 10 5 Example (2 of 2) 6. PBDA

35 1. PBDA35 Management objects (WPs) (1 of 6) qDefinition l A WP is a tangible object that is used to control the PBDA l Execution of the PBDA can be thought of as completing the associated WPs 6. PBDA PBDA executed by completing WPs

36 1. PBDA36 WPs (2 of 6) qWPs for management l Environment (6) -- people, facilities, tools, capital, communications, library l Control (11) -- schedule, budget, risks, TPPs, issues, AIs, timeline, plans, changes, problems, legal l Reviews and audits (9) --MR, RR, CD, PDR, CDR, TRR, VR, PCA, FCA 26 WPs used for managing each product in PBDA. 6. PBDA

37 1. PBDA37 WPs (3 of 6) rWP accounting l Understand (0) -- l Design (3) -- design, lower specs, lower interfaces l Acquire (1) -- lower contracts l Build (2) -- build procedure, product l Verify (3) -- test spec, test procedure, test results l Sell off (1) -- agreement 10 WPs used for developing each product in PBDA. 6. PBDA

38 1. PBDA38 WPs (4 of 6) rWPs vs inputs l Higher inputs (3) -- contracts, specs, interfaces l Lower inputs (4) -- lower product, lower test results, lower test spec, status Inputs are monitored but aren’t WPs of the product of interest Inputs are monitored but aren’t WPs of the product of interest 6. PBDA

39 1. PBDA39 WPs (5 of 6) qOptimizing WPs l Some management objects can be shared between levels l Not all management objects are needed at each level. Not all WPs must always be used 6. PBDA

40 1. PBDA40 WPs (6 of 6) An example pareto of WPs by likely use 6. PBDA decreasing likelihood of use product (1) lower products (1) higher inputs (3) budget & schedule (2) environment (6) design (3) build proc (1) problems and changes (2) risks & TPPs (2) verify (3) plan and timeline (2) lower inputs (3) reviews and audits (9) agreement (1) acquire (1) issues and AIs (2) legal (1) physical paper external paper

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