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Scientific Method PotpourriProperties Phases of Matter Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method PotpourriProperties Phases of Matter Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scientific Method PotpourriProperties Phases of Matter Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

3 Scientific Method for 1 This is information collected during an experiment. Check Your Answer

4 Scientific Method for 1 What is data? Back to the Game Board

5 Scientific Method for 2 This is an educated guess. Check Your Answer

6 Scientific Method for 2 What is a hypothesis? Back to the Game Board

7 Scientific Method for 3 This is what you infer after finishing the experiment. Check Your Answer

8 Scientific Method for 3 What is a conclusion? Back to the Game Board

9 Scientific Method for 4 This is the first step in the Scientific Method. A statement that asks a question. Check Your Answer

10 Scientific Method for 4 What is a problem? Back to the Game Board

11 Scientific Method for 5 This is a conclusion that has been provided many times. (but not a law) Check Your Answer

12 Scientific Method for 5 What is a theory? Back to the Game Board

13 Measurement for 1 This is used to measure liquids. Check Your Answer

14 Measurement for 1 What is a graduated cylinder? Back to the Game Board

15 Measurement for 2 This is the unit of mass in the SI system. Check Your Answer

16 Measurement for 3 What is a gram? Back to the Game Board

17 Measurement for 3 This is a measurement of the pull of gravity on an object with mass. Check Your Answer

18 Measurement for 3 What is weight? Back to the Game Board

19 Measurement for 4 This is equal to Length x Width x Height Check Your Answer

20 Measurement for 4 What is volume? Back to the Game Board

21 Measurement for 5 This refers to how much material is in an object. Check Your Answer

22 Measurement for 5 What is mass? Back to the Game Board

23 Phases of Matter for 1 The change of mass from a solid to a liquid. Check Your Answer

24 Phases of Matter for 1 What is melting? Back to the Game Board

25 Phases of Matter for 2 The change of a gas to a liquid. Check Your Answer

26 Phases of Matter for 2 What is condensation? Back to the Game Board

27 Phases of Matter for 3 The change of a liquid to a gas. Check Your Answer

28 Phases of Matter for 3 What is vaporization? Back to the Game Board

29 Phases of Matter for 4 The change of a solid to a gas. Check Your Answer

30 Phases of Matter for 4 What is sublimation? Back to the Game Board

31 Phases of Matter for 5 When an object changes from one phase to another, its temperature does this. Check Your Answer

32 Phases of Matter for 5 What is stays the same? Back to the Game Board

33 Properties for 1 Air is matter because it has both of these. Check Your Answer

34 Properties for 1 What is mass and volume? Back to the Game Board

35 Properties for 2 These are the four phases of matter. Check Your Answer

36 Properties for 2 What is solid, liquid, gas, and plasma? Back to the Game Board

37 Properties for 3 This is mass divided by volume. Check Your Answer

38 Properties for 3 What is density? Back to the Game Board

39 Properties for 4 This makes molecules move faster and farther apart. Check Your Answer

40 Properties for 4 What is heat. Back to the Game Board

41 Properties for 5 This is the SI unit for density. Check Your Answer

42 Properties for 5 What is g/cm 3 ? (Will also accept g/mL) Back to the Game Board

43 Potpourri for 1 This is the SI unit for length. Check Your Answer

44 Potpourri for 1 What is a meter? Back to the Game Board

45 Potpourri for 2 This is used to measure mass. Check Your Answer

46 Potpourri for 2 What is a balance or a scale? Back to the Game Board

47 Potpourri for 3 The volume of irregularly shaped objects can be found using this. Check Your Answer

48 Potpourri for 3 What is Archimedes’ Principle? Back to the Game Board

49 Potpourri for 4 If you go from the Earth to the Moon your mass stays the same but this changes. Check Your Answer

50 Potpourri for 4 What is weight? Back to the Game Board

51 Potpourri for 5 This theory states that: 1) Matter is made of particles called molecules. 2) All molecules have space between them. 3) All molecules are in constant random motion. Check Your Answer

52 Potpourri for 5 What is the Kinetic Theory of Matter? Back to the Game Board

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