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The ICDP Programme: I AM A PERSON TOO International Child Development Programme Nicoletta Armstrong, ICDP International.

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1 The ICDP Programme: I AM A PERSON TOO International Child Development Programme Nicoletta Armstrong, ICDP International



4 In 1985 Professor Karsten Hundeide, University of Oslo, Norway, started developing a programme, aware of the millions of vulnerable children silently suffering through adult neglect whose number is increasing as result of wars, catastrophes, social upheavals and other pressures of modern life. How it all began

5 We formed an international team and in 1992 we registered ICDP in Oslo, as a competence- building foundation working in the field of psycho-social and educational care of vulnerable children, families and youth. Our team

6 Our approach is based on the idea that the best way to help children is by helping adults who care for them. For that purpose we have developed a programme that promotes dialogue and good relationship between adults and children. Our approach

7 In 1993, the ICDP programme was evaluated and later adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Geneva, who also published our manual as a WHO document. Close cooperation with UNICEF who in Colombia published the “ICDP mochila”. Our programme

8  In order for children to develop well, their basic need for a stable, caring and guiding long term relationship with their primary caregiver has to be fulfilled. The rationale  Under pressures caused by poverty, migration, catastrophes, wars, as well as cultural changes due to pressures of modern life, these basic psycho-social requirements for human development may be lacking, even though the child may physically survive.

9  It is well known today, that the quality of interaction between adults and children, has a direct impact on the psycho-social development and neuro-physiological development of the human brain, particularly during the first years of life. Importance of good quality interaction (WHO)

10 To bring to surface the full potential for good quality interaction between caregivers and their children, by raising the awareness of caregivers about their children’s psycho-social needs and by enhancing their ability to respond to them. Objectives

11 IMPLEMENTATION: sustainability, planning meetings and meetings with groups of caregivers, monitoring checklists and field diaries, evaluation Persons facilitating ICDP meetings with caregivers Caregivers Children 7 SENSITIZATION PRINCIPLES EXERCISES CAREGIVERS’ CONCEPTIONS OF THEIR ROLE & OF THEIR CHILD 8 GUIDELINES FOR GOOD INTERACTION / 3 DIALOGUES Main components of the programme:

12 Main features of the programme  It does not impose ready made formulas from outside, instead, it works inside any given culture, using guidelines which are universal and reactivating local child rearing practices.  Identifies that which is already positive in order to build on existing conceptions and practical experiences that occur in every day life.

13 The programme was tested out and evaluated in different parts of the world. There is evidence that the programme works in different societies and with caregivers from different cultural and educational backgrounds. Evaluation

14 We offered training workshops to individuals, non governmental and governmental organisations in a number of countries, including Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Macedonia, Bosnia, Portugal, England, Italy, Palestine, Jamaica, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, El Salvador, Guatemala, Angola, Ethiopia, Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Australia. ICDP developed projects on large scales in Angola, Mozambique, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Macedonia, El Salvador and Colombia. Around the world

15 Reception studies from different areas of the world showed similar effects: ”provided new meaning and motivation to me as parent”,”I understood the significance of a close relationship with my child”, ”I listen to my child now”, I am more patient”, ” We share together more” ” no more harsh punishment”... etc. Video-analysis with pre-post and control group designs showed improvement in the interaction between caregiver and child Unicef study in Colombia 2010 – positive evaluation The Ministry for Children and Families in Norway sponsored a 3-year study of the impact of ICDP intervention, published in 2011 Evaluation studies

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