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ED 300: Human Growth and Learning Welcome Opening Prayer.

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1 ED 300: Human Growth and Learning Welcome Opening Prayer

2 Review: How students learn: Cognitive – Stimulus – Short Term Memory – Long Term Memory Behavior – Reinforcers, punishers Social

3 Review: Social Observing Others Academic Aggression Interpersonal Skills We have control over our learning Goal Setting Planning. Self- Motivation Attention Control Flexible use of learning strategies Self – monitoring Appropriate help –seeking Self – Evaluation

4 Review Motivation has an impact on learning Extrinsic, Intrinsic motivation Self imposed reinforcement or punishment TARGET – Strategies for enhancing student motivation in the classroom – Tasks – Autonomy – Recognition – Grouping – Evaluation – Time

5 Behaviourist Views of Learning Content/ Objectives I will identify unfamiliar instructional strategies, and how and when to use them. I will identify strategies that effective use to create a productive learning environment. Language Objectives: With a partner, I will read about an instructional strategy and share with the class. With a partner, I will read, discuss, and write strategies to create a productive learning environment.

6 Instructional Strategies Chapters 12-15: Review of SIOP Planning for Instruction: Backward Design SIOP: Lesson Preparation 1.Identify instructional goals Desired outcome of the lesson Must align with Kiribati national prescriptions 2.Determine acceptable evidence SIOP: Assessment Quiz, presentation, product, etc. 3.Plan learning experiences SIOP: Strategies Instructional strategy Plan of how to teach the objectives

7 Instructional Strategies 1.The choice of instructional strategies must depend to some degree on the goals of instruction. See page 455 2.The choice of instructional strategies must also depend on students’ characteristics and needs. – Current age and ability levels – Existing knowledge about the topic – Temperamental and motivational characteristics 3.Effective teachers regularly use a variety of strategies. – Experiment with different approaches

8 Instructional Strategies 1.Mastery Learning (p 424) 2.Direct Instruction (p 427) 3.Reciprocal teaching (p 440) 4.Class Discussions 5.Cooperative Learning (p 442) 1.Lower-level questions 2.Higher-level questions 3.Lectures 4.Textbooks and other readings 9.Discovery Learning (p 430) 10.Inquiry learning (p 431) 11.Authentic activities 12.Jigsaw 13.Computer-based instruction 14.Computer simulations 15.Peer Tutoring (p 447) 16.Homework assignments 1 minute: Review the list of above strategies. Write down the strategies you know nothing about.

9 Instructional Strategies Jigsaw Activity (20 marks) 1.With a partner, read about your assigned strategy. 2.Present the strategy to the class a.Define the strategy (5 marks) b.State when to use the strategy (p 455) (5 marks) a.Summarize the strategy (10 marks)

10 Creating a Productive Learning Environment With your partner: (10 marks) 1.Turn to page 500 2.Take turns reading and retelling the five basic principles of creating a productive learning environment. 3.Together, complete the handout, listing at least one way you can be an effective teacher in each area.

11 Creating a Productive Learning Environment Effective teachers establish caring, supportive relationships with their students. – Have high expectations – Be well prepared for class – Welcome students, know their names Effective teachers nurture productive student- student relationships as well. – Share with each other – Work together – Respect and support each other

12 Creating a Productive Learning Environment Effective teachers think proactively about how to minimize behavior problems. – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – Keeping students engaged – One on one communcation – Set limits Effective teachers are consistent and equitable in their enforcement of rules, but they accommodate individual differences when helping students adhere to the rules. – Don’t change the rules – One on one communcation – Don’t have favorites Effective teachers are team players – Communicate with parents

13 Behaviourist Views of Learning Content/ Objectives I will identify unfamiliar instructional strategies, and how and when to use them. I will identify strategies that effective use to create a productive learning environment. Language Objectives: With a partner, I will read about an instructional strategy and share with the class. With a partner, I will read, discuss, and write strategies to create a productive learning environment.

14 Thurs., Nov. 28, 9:00 – 11:00 am Thurs., Nov. 28, 9:00 – 11:00 am Last Day of Class Chapter 14: Classroom Assessment Strategies (Tebakaro) Chapter 15: Summarizing Students Achievement and Abilities (Babai)

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