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Dynamic Survey Design  Survey is designed by the user  Implementation through dynamic code i.e., database driven  Hard code is often better  Rarely.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Survey Design  Survey is designed by the user  Implementation through dynamic code i.e., database driven  Hard code is often better  Rarely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Survey Design  Survey is designed by the user  Implementation through dynamic code i.e., database driven  Hard code is often better  Rarely totally dynamic

2 Variable Database (VDB) VDB Variables can include:  Number of pages in the survey  Number of questions  Type of Questions (radio, text, pulldowns, etc.)  Introductory text  Validation  Colors, fonts, styles, etc.  …. User defined variables Can be entered through a web interface!

3 The Dynamic Concept Variable VDB Code calls variables Code Outputs Survey LDB Look-up Code Stores Responses RDB Response Data is sent to your stats package & basic stats are performed! (FTP?) Remember not everything needs to be dynamic!

4 Code for A Dynamic Text Box #introtext# <cfinput type=#typ# name=#nam# align=#alig# required=#requir# message=#messag# size=#siz# maxlength=#maxlengt#> Can be stored in your LDB!

5 Code for A Dynamic Text Box

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