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Call 2014 InfoDay Brussels April 16 th, 2014 INTRODUCTION Rafael De Andrés Medina President AAL Association Brussels,

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Presentation on theme: "Call 2014 InfoDay Brussels April 16 th, 2014 INTRODUCTION Rafael De Andrés Medina President AAL Association Brussels,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Call 2014 InfoDay Brussels April 16 th, 2014 INTRODUCTION Rafael De Andrés Medina President AAL Association Brussels,

2 2 o The European Commission indicated the ageing of the population as one of the societal challenges where innovation breakthroughs can play an important role and enable European companies to lead in the development of new technologies, to grow and assume global leadership in new growth markets, improve the quality and efficiency of public services and so contribute to creating large numbers of new quality jobs. Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union

3 3 The AAL R&D Programme is about o Broad definition of innovation including organisational, business, technological, societal and environmental aspects.  Industries´, SMEs´, end-users - Business Plan.  Inter- and Multi-disciplinarity. o IPR. o Personal data protection. o The elderly empowerment. o The long term sustainability of care.  P4: Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participative From Ambient Assisted Living to Active and Assisted Living (AAL-1) (AAL-2)

4 4 o The aim is to provide innovative ICT-based solutions including products, systems or services to enhance older adults’ quality of and to strengthen the industrial base in Europe. o The main goal is improving the autonomy, participation in social life, skills, and employability of older adults and effectiveness of health and social care provision. The AAL R&D Programme o Create critical mass of R&D & Innovation at European level. o Opportunities for AAL to develop and deliver products and services for aging well at home, in the community and at work. o Fostering to create markets via common and compatible European solutions o A growing market segment of discerning consumers. The overall objective is to tackle the whole value chain.

5 5 End user and surrounding -Older adults -Chronically ill -Informal care -Interest groups for patients and older adults Enterprises -Technology provider -Services Provider -Organisation for wellbeing and care Research Groups -Universities -RPO -Knowledge centers Investors -Public -Private Ecosystem of Stakeholders with whom AAL R&D Programme can cooperate in order to undertake the challenges of innovation.

6 6 08:30 – 09:00Registration 09:00 Opening/Introduction - Rafael de Andres Medina, AALA President. AAL JP and previous calls overview & Tools for project applicants -Raquel F. Horcajada, AALA CMU 09:20AAL Programme Call 2014 presentation - Geja Langerveld, NCP (NL). 09:45European Commission activities in the field of AAL – Jan Komarek, European Commission. 10:00Proposal ideas (short presentations) – Participants. 10:40Coffee. 11:10Proposal ideas (short presentations, cont./) – Participants. 13:00Lunch and networking. 14:30Rules for participation & Role of NCPs -Berta Maure, NCP (MINETUR,ES), Märten Berg, AAL NCP(SE) 14:55Writing a proposal - Teresa Chavarria, NCP (ISCIII,ES). 15:10 Effective management of intellectual property - Huseyin Kebapci, CX6 Director. 15:40 Partner search tools and Idealist - Jerome de Barros, AALA CMU. 15:55The way ahead - Nicola Filizola, AALA CMU. 16:10Q&A. Closing - Karina Marcus, AALA CMU Director. 16:30Coffee and networking. 17:00-18:00 Time available for individual consultations - AALA Team. The AAL call-2014 Infoday - Agenda

7 Thank you for your attention Avoid complacency

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