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Strategic Planning Process Southwestern Oklahoma State University February 14, 2012.

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1 Strategic Planning Process Southwestern Oklahoma State University February 14, 2012

2 Facilitate process that builds from areas of strength, promise & opportunity to create a 2011-2016 Strategic Plan that will guide the future of the Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Goal

3 Facilitate process that builds from areas of strength, promise & opportunity to create a 2011-2016 Strategic Plan that will guide the future of the Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Goal

4 Characteristics of Successful Planning  Vision- and Mission-Driven  Positive  Builds on Past  Developed by Campus  Open & Collaborative  Focused  Implementable  Conversational  Creative...........................

5 Overall Approach Blue Ocean Thinking

6 Red vs. Blue Ocean Thinking  Beat Competition  Exploit Existing Demand  Adapt to Trends  Make Competition Irrelevant  Create New Demand  Shape Trends

7 Blue Ocean Thinking

8 Elements of a Strategic Plan What do we have to do to achieve Mission and move forward? What are we going to do to achieve our Desired Outcomes? Who are we? What do we do? Who do we serve? How are we different? Looking into a crystal ball, what is our ideal future? How will we know when we have arrived? Desired Outcomes Who? When? How? Core Values What are the fundamental beliefs?

9 Elements of a Strategic Plan Inside ⇆ Outside What do we have to do to achieve Mission and move forward? What are we going to do to achieve our Desired Outcomes? Who are we? What do we do? Who do we serve? How are we different? Looking into a crystal ball, what is our ideal future? How will we know when we have arrived? Desired Outcomes ← ← Strategic Position Who? When? How? Core Values What are the fundamental beliefs? ←

10 Strategic Position Strategic Plan Operational Plan Strategic Positioning

11  A strategic position is the location of your enterprise in relation to others in your competitive space.  Map your competitive space  Who else does what you do?  What are the criteria for comparing entities in your competitive space?  What makes you distinctive? Positioning Fundamentals

12 Steps & Schedule 1. Preparation “Getting Started” January/Early February, 2012 2. Town Hall Meeting “Bringing Everyone on Board” Early February, 2012 3. Strategic Research “Discovering the Dots” February/March, 2011 4. Draft Vision, Mission and Goals “Connecting the Dots” March, 2012 5. Formulate the Desired Outcomes “Charting the Course” April, 2012 6. Determine the Strategies “Setting the Sails” Summer, 2012 7. Draft/Review Strategic Plan “Beginning the Journey” Early Fall, 2012

13 Step 1 (This Week) Preparation  “Getting Started”  Refine process - Roles & relationships  Review documents  Develop communication plan - Internal - External

14 Step 2 (This Week) Initial Meetings: “Bringing Everyone on Board” Town Hall Stakeholder Representatives

15 Strategic Research: “Discovering the Dots” Conversations with:  Faculty, Staff, Students - SGA Leaders - In class  VPs & Deans, Directors, Department Chairs  Community Leaders  Open Forums Analyze Existing Data  Self study, regional data, etc. Gather Additional Information  Peers and Competitors Step 3 (Feb./March) The goal is to engage everyone

16 Draft Vision, Mission Goals: “Connecting the Dots”  Planning Council refines/develops: -Core Values, Vision, Mission -Strength - Driving Forces - Planning Assumptions, including funding -What we have to do to achieve Mission and move forward  Planning Council translates “what we must do” into Goal statements.  Common themes, strengths, opportunities, “big Ideas” Step 4 (March) Example: “Increase the number of students taking advantage of the educational opportunities at SWOSU, and assist them to realize their educational goals.”

17 Step 4 (March) Budget Officer and Controller estimate revenues from traditional sources, based on historical trends and planning assumptions: enrollment, etc.  Not yet taking into consideration any special revenue-enhancing efforts that might be included in the new strategic plan

18 Step 4, cont. (March)  Second Meeting of Stakeholder Representative Group - Share Vision; Mission; Driving Forces; Planning Assumptions; Goals  Create a cross-divisional Task Force for each goal

19 Step 5 (April) - Increase headcount enrollment by 1,000 students - Increase first-year retention to 65 percent - Increase six-year graduation rate to 40 percent - Double transfer students from community colleges - Cut difference between the retention/graduation rates of all students and Pell and minority students by 50 percent  Task Forces identify Desired Outcomes, e.g.: Formulate Desired Outcomes – “Charting the Course”

20 Step 5 cont. (April)  Third Meeting of Stakeholder Representatives Group Completes things that will occur during the academic year

21 Elements of a Strategic Plan Inside ⇆ Outside What do we have to do to achieve Mission and move forward? What are we going to do to achieve our Desired Outcomes? → Who are we? What do we do? Who do we serve? How are we different? Looking into a crystal ball, what is our ideal future? How will we know when we have arrived? Desired Outcomes → ← ← Strategic Position Who? When? How? → Core Values What are the fundamental beliefs? ←→ → → →

22 Step 6 (Summer) Developing the Strategies: “Setting the Sails”  Task Forces to develop strategies - Organized around goals - Work across organizational lines - Emphasis on “big ideas” - Strategies are complete thoughts Intro; description; models - Assess affordability/funding options

23 Step 6 cont. (Fall)  Review and endorsement by the Executive Council  Inform appropriate off-campus individuals & groups

24 Step 7 (Fall) Prepare Strategic Plan Document: “Begin the Journey”  Steering Committee Develops Strategic Plan - Possibly a summary suitable for PR/Fund Raising - Power Point Presentation  PR/Marketing Office develop communications plan

25 Celebration!

26 Strategic Planning Process Southwestern Oklahoma State University February 14, 2012

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