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Integrated Systems Division Service-Oriented Programming Guy Bieber, Lead Architect Motorola ISD C4I 2000 OOPSLA Jini Pattern Language Workshop Guy Bieber,

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Systems Division Service-Oriented Programming Guy Bieber, Lead Architect Motorola ISD C4I 2000 OOPSLA Jini Pattern Language Workshop Guy Bieber,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Systems Division Service-Oriented Programming Guy Bieber, Lead Architect Motorola ISD C4I 2000 OOPSLA Jini Pattern Language Workshop Guy Bieber, Lead Architect Motorola ISD C4I 2000 OOPSLA Jini Pattern Language Workshop

2 Integrated Systems Division Futures Service Discovery: What is there at runtime; not what was expected to be their at compile time The PtoP revolution will be powered by discovery The next great advances in computer science will be powered by service-oriented programming. –Reusable services that can be used in ways not imagined by their authors –Formation of complex capabilities by combining and organizing simple services. Service Discovery: What is there at runtime; not what was expected to be their at compile time The PtoP revolution will be powered by discovery The next great advances in computer science will be powered by service-oriented programming. –Reusable services that can be used in ways not imagined by their authors –Formation of complex capabilities by combining and organizing simple services.

3 Integrated Systems Division Service-Oriented Programming Elements Contracts Components Connectors Containers Contexts Contracts Components Connectors Containers Contexts

4 Integrated Systems Division Service-Oriented Programming ASPECTS Conjunctive – use and combine services in any way; peer to peer. Deployable – deploy in any environment by 3 rd party Mobile – ability to move code Secure – securing services and mobile code Available – distributed network components can provide high availability Conjunctive – use and combine services in any way; peer to peer. Deployable – deploy in any environment by 3 rd party Mobile – ability to move code Secure – securing services and mobile code Available – distributed network components can provide high availability

5 Integrated Systems Division Java Patterns Contracts – semantics and syntax Code Mobility – movement of code for performance and interoperability Code Security – Automated mobile code requires code security. Look at the number of viruses downloaded manually… Contracts – semantics and syntax Code Mobility – movement of code for performance and interoperability Code Security – Automated mobile code requires code security. Look at the number of viruses downloaded manually…

6 Integrated Systems Division Jini Patterns Lease – resource failure detection based on duration agreements Discovery – bootstraping protocol for finding services; this is the only protocol that needs to stay the same… Lookup – service publication and discovery based on contracts and attributes Service Security – protecting access to services (interfaces and methods) based on role based access control Service User Interface – ability to deliver service UIs in addition to proxies to use a service. Distributed Transactions – a coordination primitive Coordinators – providing means of coordination applications Lease – resource failure detection based on duration agreements Discovery – bootstraping protocol for finding services; this is the only protocol that needs to stay the same… Lookup – service publication and discovery based on contracts and attributes Service Security – protecting access to services (interfaces and methods) based on role based access control Service User Interface – ability to deliver service UIs in addition to proxies to use a service. Distributed Transactions – a coordination primitive Coordinators – providing means of coordination applications

7 Integrated Systems Division Openwings Patterns Component – abstraction of hardware or software; unit of deployment for services; utilizes service contracts; subject to third party composition; independent of platforms, transport protocols and environments. Connector – transport protocol independence Container – manages execution, security, availability, and mobility of components Context – provides the environment for self-forming / self- healing components Policy – discoverable configuration files to provide environment independence Proxy – an object that implements an interface or an object that takes in an object which implements an interface. Management – provides for adding management to any component Component – abstraction of hardware or software; unit of deployment for services; utilizes service contracts; subject to third party composition; independent of platforms, transport protocols and environments. Connector – transport protocol independence Container – manages execution, security, availability, and mobility of components Context – provides the environment for self-forming / self- healing components Policy – discoverable configuration files to provide environment independence Proxy – an object that implements an interface or an object that takes in an object which implements an interface. Management – provides for adding management to any component

8 Integrated Systems Division Q&A Guy Bieber 480-441-7692 Guy Bieber 480-441-7692

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