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Published byHester Thompson Modified over 9 years ago
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): Status and Future Markus Rothacher, Ruth Neilan, Hans-Peter Plag GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008 June 16-20, 2008 Busan, Korea GG S 2020
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Motivation Monitoring and Modeling the Earth System Structure of GGOS GGOS Instrumentation / Infrastructure GGOS Data Flow and Portal Processing, Analysis, Combination Modeling and Interpretation Conclusions Contents
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Motivation: Missing Understanding of Key Processes
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Global MonitoringInformation about Earth System Interpretation Innovative Technologies Space Techniques VLBI SLR/LLR GNSS DORIS Altimetry InSAR Gravity/Magnet. Missions Terrestrial Techniques Levelling Gravimetry Tide Gauges Geometry Station Position/Motion, Sea Level Change, Deformation Earth Rotation Precession/Nutation, Polar Motion, UT1, LOD Gravity Geocenter Gravity Field, Temporal Variations Earth System Sun/Moon (Planets) Atmosphere Ocean Hydrosphere Cryosphere Crust Mantle Core COMBINATIONS COMBINATIONS INTERACTIONS INTERACTIONS GGOS: Monitoring and Modelling the Earth‘s System Reference frames: highest accuracy and long-term stability
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S GGOS Chronology July 2003: Decision of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) to establish a Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) April 2004: IAG/GGOS becomes participating organization of GEO (Group on Earth Observation) for the realization of GEOSS (Global Earth Observing System of Systems) May 2006: GGOS becomes official member of IGOS-P (Integrated Global Observation Strategy Partnership) July 2007: GGOS becomes an official component of the IAG, the observing system of the IAG GGOS2020 reference document is almost complete, is in the review process (~ 200 pages)
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S IAG Services: Backbone of GGOS IERS: International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service IGS: International GNSS Service IVS: International VLBI Service ILRS: International Laser Ranging Service IDS: International DORIS Service IGFS: International Gravity Field Service BGI: Bureau Gravimetrique International IGeS: International Geoid Service ICET: International Center for Earth Tides ICGEM:International Center for Global Earth Models IDEMS:International Digital Elevation Models Service PSMSL:Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level IAS: International Altimetry Service (in preparation) BIPM: Bureau International des Poids et Mesures IBS: IAG Bibliographic Service Geometry Gravimetry Ocean Std
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Coordination Office Bureau for Networks and Communication Bureau for Satellite and Space Missions Bureau for Conventions and Standards Regional and Global Data and Product Centers Archiving and Dissemination Global Networks of Observing Stations Earth Observation Satellites / Planetary Missions Mission- specific Data and Product Centers Archiving and Dissemination Data Analysis Centers Combination Centers Modeling Centers Users, Science & Society GGOS Portal Access to all information, data, products Meta data; information Real data; information Structure of the Future GGOS
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S GGOS Instrumentation: 5 Levels of Objects 5: Level 4: Moon,Planets Moon Planets
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S VLBI Tide Gauges SLR/LLR GPS DORIS Sup.Grav. Abs.Grav. Level 1: Ground-Based Component
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Future Core Ground-Based Infrastructure Core Network (~ 40 Stations): 2-3 VLBI telescopes for continuous observations SLR/LLR telescope for tracking of all major satellites At least 3 GNSS antennas and receivers (controlled equipment changes) DORIS beacon of the most recent generation Ultra-stable oscillator for time and frequency keeping and transfer Terrestrial survey instruments for permanent/automated local tie monitoring Superconducting and absolute gravimeter (gravity missions, geocenter) Meteorological sensors (pressure, temperature, humidity) Seismometer for combination with deformation from space geodesy and GNSS seismology Additional sensors: water vapor radiometer, tilt-meters, gyroscopes, ground water sensors, … General Characteristics: highly automated, 24-hour/365 days, latest technologies
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Ground-Based Infrastructure: Innovation Galileo Experimental Sensor Station (GESS) VLBI Twin Telescope (Wettzell) VLBI: High slew rates (> 5 deg/s) 1-3 small telescopes at a site Continuous frequency range (2-18 GHz) GNSS: GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Compass, … Sampling > 10 Hz Real-time 3 antennas/receivers SLR: kHz laser technology 2 frequency systems Higher quantum efficiency DORIS: 3rd generation DORIS systems kHz Laser: Lageos Spin (Graz) DORIS Beacon (Thule)
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Level 2: Satellite Mission Component CHAMP GRACE GOCE COSMIC TerraSAR-X SWARM JASON-1 TanDEM-X GRACE Follow-on ? … Topex/Pos. JASON-2 CHAMP … … … MetOp IceSat-2 IceSat-1 Cryosat-2 … … … and new mission concepts Gravity Field Ice Altimetry Atmosphere Ocean Altimetry Earth Surface Magnetic Field
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S New Mission Concepts: Constellations and Formations Formation flying, swarms Satellite Constellations
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Future satellite constellation as a component of a Multi-Hazard Early Warning System ? New Mission Concepts: GNSS Reflectometry
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S RO Antenna POD Antenna Star Sensors SLR Retro-Reflector VLBI Sender 3 GPS Receiver Board (Redundancy) Micro- Satellite New Mission Concepts: Co-location Micro-Satellite(s)
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Level 3, 4, 5: GNSS + Extraterrestrial GNSS and SLR Satellites: More than 100 GNSS satellites in 2020: GPS (24/32), GLONASS (24/19), GALILEO (30/1), QZSS (3/0), COMPASS (30/4), … Cheap LAGEOS-type satellites with laser retro-reflectors and with GNSS receivers forming a network in space with internally 1 mm accuracy (distances up to 14’000 km) Geodetic Planetary Missions: Bepi Colombo, Mars missions, lunar exploration (GRAIL, LEO), … Stars (observed with CCD cameras or in future with GAIA) Quasars
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S GGOS Data Flow and Portal Network Synergies: Common data communication and infrastructure for all techniques (archiving, …) Real-time data transfer New communication technologies for remote areas
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Processing, Analysis, Combination Processing and Analysis: Fully automated processing in near real-time or even in real-time (early warning systems, GNSS seismology, atmosphere sounding, …) Full reprocessing capabilities for all data available, long consistent time series for long-term trends Combination of all data types on the observation level Combination with LEO data (co-location, gravity, geocenter, atmosphere, …) Combination with satellite altimetry data (and with InSAR ?) Combination with terrestrial data (e.g. gravity field, …) Combination of different analysis centers (redundancy, reliability, accuracy, …) Improvements in modeling, parameterization, conventions Supercomputers, visualization
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Combination: Tsunami Early Warning System GNSS receivers
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Combination of GNSS / Seismology Earth`s motion during the earthquake combination with seismometers Deformation due to the earthquake (magnitude determination, rupture process) Height [m] East [m] North [m] Sumatra Earthquake of September 12, 2007
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Tsunami Buoy: GPS / OBPU / Seismometer
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Height: Horizontal Position (Days): Waves: GPS Tsunami Buoy: Motion
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Filtered GPS Heights Ocean Bottom Pressure Ocean Tidal Model (GOTT) Tsunami Buoy: Sea Level Height RMS: ~ 2-3 cm Tsunami: ~ 50 cm
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Combination of Geometry and Gravity (IERS/IGFS) GEOMETRY GPS, Altimetry, INSAR Remote Sensing Leveling Sea Level EARTH ROTATION VLBI, SLR, LLR, GPS, DORIS Classical: Astronomy New: Ringlasers, Gyros GRAVITY FIELD Orbit Analysis Satellite Gradiometry Ship-& Airborne Gravimetry Absolute Gravimetry Gravity Field Determination REFERENCE SYSTEMS VLBI, SLR, LLR, GPS, DORIS IERS IGFS Physical heights, geoid Ellipsoidal heights
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Orientation of the Earth Precession,Nutation Polar motion Length of day Deformation of the Earth Tides of the solid Earth Lunisolar Gravitational acceleration Atmospheric tides Atmospheric loading Global vegetation Global ground water Oceanic tides Ocean circulation Angular momentum variation of the atmosphere Angular momentum variation of the oceans Ocean loading Effects from Earth interior Snow Postglacial land uplift … Tectonic plate motion Volcanism Earthquakes Pole tides Angular torques Gravity Field of the Earth Density variations in the atmosphere Earth System Modelling
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Example: Sea-Level Change & Ice-Mass Balances Glacial-isostatic adjustment Altimetry missions Envisat Jason-1 ICESat CryoSat II Gravimetry missions GRACE Terrestrial networks Tide gaugeGPS Ocean modeling Sea-level change (mm/a) Data processing Geodynamic modeling Geoid change (mm/a)
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Geodesy can contribute significantly to the monitoring and understanding of the Earth system Integration of a multitude of different and innovative sensors on the ground and in space into a GGOS Complete and consistent data processing chains ranging from the acquisition to the processing of vast amounts of observational data Combination and assimilation of the geodetic/geophyiscal parameters into complex numerical models of the Earth system This will finally allow the understanding and prediction of the processes in the Earth system for the benefit of human society. Conclusions
AOGS 5 th Annual Meeting 2008, June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea GG S Thank you for your attention !
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