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1 DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010. 2 Established by the Florida Legislature in 1941 Funded by the Insurance Commissioner’s Regulatory Trust Fund The Chief Financial.

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2 2 Established by the Florida Legislature in 1941 Funded by the Insurance Commissioner’s Regulatory Trust Fund The Chief Financial Officer is also the State Fire Marshal The Division of State Fire Marshal consists of 4 bureaus: Fire Prevention Forensic Fire and Explosive Analysis Fire Standards and Training Fire and Arson Investigations The Florida Fire Incident Reporting System is a section within the Division. Established by the Florida Legislature in 1941 Funded by the Insurance Commissioner’s Regulatory Trust Fund The Chief Financial Officer is also the State Fire Marshal The Division of State Fire Marshal consists of 4 bureaus: Fire Prevention Forensic Fire and Explosive Analysis Fire Standards and Training Fire and Arson Investigations The Florida Fire Incident Reporting System is a section within the Division. The State Fire Marshal’s Office coordinates all search and rescue activities during a disaster. Since Hurricane Andrew, the Division has deployed teams as part of a multi-agency state response. For example, personnel were deployed to Mississippi to perform search and rescue and law enforcement missions during hurricane Katrina. Division coordinates Emergency Support Functions 4 and 9 (firefighting and search and rescue) and supports ESF 8, 10 and16.

3 3 Monroe FIELD OFFICE LOCATIONS Pensacola Panama City Jacksonville Tallahassee (HQ) Ocala Tampa Plantation Ft. Myers Palm Beach Lake Wales Orlando Daytona DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010

4 4 The Bureau of Fire Prevention is comprised of four sections: Inspections Section Enforcement of the Florida Fire Prevention Code Includes over 200 fire protection standards Annual inspections of 17,690 properties Construction inspections of new and renovated properties Assistance to local fire departments Plans Review Section Verify compliance with the Florida Fire Prevention Code Effective value-engineering reduces cost to state agencies Life safety evaluations Automatic sprinkler systems Fire alarms systems Smoke detection and evacuation systems Adequacy of means of egress DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010

5 5 The Regulatory Licensing Section Fire Equipment Industry Portable Fire Extinguishers Pre-engineered System Engineered Fire Protection System Explosives (Manufacture, Distribution and Use) Sparkler (Manufacture, Distribution, Wholesale and Retail Sales) Chapters 552, 633, and 791, Florida Statutes The Boiler Safety Program Chapter 554, "The Boiler Safety Act" Safeguard life, limb, and property Construction, installation, maintenance, and repair of boilers Certificate of Compliance is valid for One year for high pressure boilers Two years for a low pressure boiler DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010

6 6 Bureau of Forensic Fire and Explosives Analysis The only State of Florida forensic laboratory providing forensic analyses specific to fire and explosion investigations Facility covering 14,000+ sq. ft. is located outside of Tallahassee on the grounds of the Florida Public Safety Institute One of only three State Fire Marshal laboratories in the nation (Florida, Ohio, & Texas) Services: Forensic Chemical Analysis Fire Debris and Explosives/Unidentified Chemicals Analysis (accelerants in arsons, explosives in bombings, or non–drug chemicals from clandestine drug laboratories) Forensic Video Analysis Video recordings and extracting digital images from crime scenes Digital Image Processing, Archival, and Public Records Processing Expert Consultation and Testimony

7 7 Bureau of Forensic Fire and Explosives Analysis The Bureau’s ten employees have an average of 14 years experience in the Division Of those, six who analyze evidence are qualified as “Expert Witnesses” before courts in the State of Florida and Federal Courts National and International memberships & representation with professional, forensic, & standards writing organizations  Technical Working Group on Fire and Explosions  American Society for Testing and Materials  International Association of Arson Investigators  American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors  American Chemical Society  American Board of Criminalistics International accreditation through the International Standards Organization and the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Laboratory Accreditation Board

8 8DIVISION OVERVIEW 20098 The Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) is composed of three major sections: Training, Standards, and Firefighter Safety. As its "Training" function, the BFST operates the Florida State Fire College (FSFC) located near Ocala, Florida."Training"Florida State Fire College The FSFC provides extensive training for both paid and volunteer firefighters with subjects ranging from basic fire fighting to advanced arson investigation The FSFC conducted 277 regularly scheduled classes each year, reaching more than 7,000 students DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010

9 9DIVISION OVERVIEW 20099 Through its "Standards" function, the BFST Standards Section governs"Standards" approximately 40 Certified Firefighter Training Centers. Numerous advanced level competency certifications are offered, with applications, examinations, and renewals being processed, administered, and maintained by the Section Staff Field Representatives administer over 8,000 examinations annually Administers the Firefighters Supplemental Compensation Program The "Firefighter Safety and Health" Section manages the Florida Firefighter OSHA rules, and assists the state's fire services in meeting FFOSHA requirements.Firefighter Safety and Health DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010

10 10 Law enforcement branch of the Division Conducts approximately 4,000 fire investigations each year Make arrests, conduct searches and seizures, serve summons, and carry firearms Investigators are called to action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and those who need assistance conducting fire origin and cause investigations Responsible for conducting fire, arson, and explosives investigations as well as other associated crimes (i.e. insurance fraud, homicide, motor vehicle theft, terrorism, etc.) throughout the state The Bureau has six accelerant detection canines and one explosives detection canine Crime Intelligence Analysts allow the investigators more time to pursue the scene investigation and latent follow-up necessary in a criminal investigation and also provide criminal information and intelligence for detection and prevention of arson and related criminal activities DIVISION OVERVIEW 2010

11 11 Forensic Investigative Support Team (F.I.S.T.) Computer Voice Stress Analysis Explosives Ordinance and Disposal Investigation of fire/explosion scenes that are beyond the capabilities, resources, and expertise of local agencies The F.I.S.T. will also provide an immediate and sustained statewide response team to situations where specialized equipment and the most qualified personnel are needed Utilized as a tool to help determine truthfulness in Arson and all forms of criminal investigations, thus expediting the time needed to reach successful conclusions The Bureau has 10 units with trained/certified operators Provides device sweeps as part of the physical security at major events and gatherings of political significance 4 teams strategically located throughout the state Provides local agency in-service training in the areas of basic explosive and incendiary device recognition, bomb threats, physical security, and post blast investigations

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