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DPT 8.0 DOMESTICPREPAREDNESS HELPLINE: (800) 368-6498 FAX: (410) 612-0715 Training Sessions Sponsored by Arkansas Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "DPT 8.0 DOMESTICPREPAREDNESS HELPLINE: (800) 368-6498 FAX: (410) 612-0715 Training Sessions Sponsored by Arkansas Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 DPT 8.0 DOMESTICPREPAREDNESS HELPLINE: (800) 368-6498 FAX: (410) 612-0715 E-MAIL: Training Sessions Sponsored by Arkansas Hospital Association and the Arkansas Department of Health Training Team Members: Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System Emergency Medical Response Team (EMRT) Thinking Through the Unthinkable: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Training

2 DPT 8.0 Part 1: INTRODUCTION Nuclear, Biologic and Chemical Preparedness

3 DPT 8.0 To provide assistance in preparing for and responding to terrorist incidents involving Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical agents. Purpose of Course

4 DPT 8.0 F E M A D O E F B I P H S DoDE P A EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Partnership Domestic Preparedness

5 DPT 8.0 F ocus group output: - 26 Performance Objectives for DP Training based on OSHA Std 29 CFR 1910.120, NFPA 472 & 473, and JCAHO - Streamlined Training To Accommodate Limited Time - Transportable Format - Modular Training - Focus on NBC “Delta” Background

6 DPT 8.0 NBC DELTA NBC Domestic Preparedness Existing Preparedness Training Incident Command 911 Operations Law Enforcement Emergency Medical Care Firefighting HAZMAT Search and Rescue Emergency Management NBC “Delta”

7 DPT 8.0 Domestic Preparedness Hospital Provider Training

8 DPT 8.0 Overview Introduction Threat of NBC Terrorism Chemical Casualty Care Biological Casualty Care Radiological Casualty Care Special Hospital Considerations in NBC Terrorist Incidents

9 DPT 8.0 Course Goals Train healthcare providers to initiate the correct medical response and treatment actions in a Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) terrorist incident, including: Identifying various threat agents, and the signs and symptoms of exposure to them – Selecting the proper treatment for resulting conditions – Identifying special threats to healthcare providers, such as secondary contamination

10 DPT 8.0 Focus - NBC Delta Nuclear Materials Biological Agents Chemical Agents

11 DPT 8.0 Everyday HAZMAT Incident vs. NBC Terrorism Incident HMINBCTI Deliberate attack  Greater agent toxicity  Early hazard identification x Potential for mass casualties  Need for mass decontamination  Unusual risk to  healthcare providers

12 DPT 8.0 Everyday HAZMAT Incident vs. NBC Terrorism Incident HMINBCTI Crime scene and evidence preservation x  Major interaction/coordination with  local, State, and Federal agencies EMS & hospitals quickly overwhelmed  Secondary device designed to kill  responders

13 DPT 8.0 Instructor Introductions

14 DPT 8.0 Meet your Instructors Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System Donna Edwards, RN, Associate Chief of Nursing and CAVHS Emergency Medical Response Team (EMRT) Director Ken Ray, RN, Nurse Manager, Primary Care Mike Smith, RN, Nurse Manager, Emergency Department John Beatty, Chief of Safety & Hazmat Team Director Billy Conner, Emergency Manager, NDMS, VACO Michael Hayes, Industrial Hygienist CAVHS John Moss, PhD, Chief Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Safety Margie A. Scott, MD, Chief Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, Infectious Disease Pathologist, Domestic Preparedness NBC Trainer.

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