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Sustainability of MRCs The Organization, the Membership, and the Leadership Liisa Jackson MA Region 4A MRC Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability of MRCs The Organization, the Membership, and the Leadership Liisa Jackson MA Region 4A MRC Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability of MRCs The Organization, the Membership, and the Leadership Liisa Jackson MA Region 4A MRC Coordinator

2 Introductions  Name  Unit  How long has the unit been active?  How many volunteers?  Why did you choose this session?  Which of the three aspects of sustainability were you envisioning? Organization, Leadership, & Membership

3 BE POSITIVE Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency……We do good stuff! Keep it Fun!

4 Sustaining the Organization

5 5 What do you want to do? Identify your MRC’s Goals – Health Promotion – Preparedness – Response Develop a Strategic Plan – State your goals & how to get there

6 Who would be your stakeholders & partners? Identify your Stakeholders Local Health Departments Insurance Companies Healthcare Agencies Emergency Management Identify your Partners Non – governmental agencies Healthcare Agencies Universities

7 Getting Buy-in Buy-in from your own housing organization Building Administrative support Buy-in from your partner organizations Work with Board of Health, LEPC, Police, Fire to determine the needs of the community Structure the local MRC according to the needs of the community

8 Becoming Visible – Parade Floats, anyone? Assistance with Public Health initiatives - flu clinics, health education, screenings, etc. Supporting community events with a first aid station or cooling station- Christmas parade, marathons, Medieval Fair, etc. Ensure level of volunteer training as requested by local emergency personnel and MRC Outreach at community events – exhibit at conferences, table at county/town fairs

9 Becoming Vital – How could we do it without you? Assistance with Public Health initiatives Flu clinics Health education Health screenings Participation in Preparedness Events Sept. Preparedness Month events Winter weather preparedness Local community specific

10 Becoming Vital – How could we do it without you? Become a part of the Response Plan Local health department Emergency Management MIPS/POD plans Firefighter Rehab Mental Health Response Healthcare Agencies Acute Care Long-term Care

11 Becoming Vital – How could we do it without you?  Track, calculate and communicate your contributions!  Identify the economic value of volunteering  ROI – return on investment – The cost of replacing volunteer labor with paid staff – The cost of administrating the volunteer program  Identify the services provided by volunteers – What would be different in the community ?

12 Finding Funding Private Funding Partnerships In-Kind with Partners Recognition of Partners Become a 501-C3 in order to receive donations/private funds Public Funding Health & Human Services Grants Citizen Corps Grants Capacity Building Awards

13 Sustaining the Leadership

14 Developing Leadership Develop your own volunteer management skills Go to a workshop Find trainings Understand the principles of working with volunteers Consider working towards a CVA (Certification in Volunteer Administration)

15 Develop Volunteer Leadership  Form an Executive Committee that is responsible for the basic operation of the MRC Communicate with members re: training, other MRC opportunities Ensure continual volunteer recruitment and sustainment Develop your Standard Operating Procedures

16 Develop Volunteer Leadership Executive Committee Solicit Board Members at Orientation Individuals who wish to chart the course, work as a team and enjoy community activity Meet with them until they are comfortable being independent Liaisons from Board of Health/Department of Health and other organizations will always be a resource Suggestions Term limits Lets the volunteer know it is not forever Lets you move volunteers that are not a good fit

17 Develop Volunteer Leadership Tiered Training Identifies top performers Track the training Gives the volunteer goals & achievements Recognition Identifies potential trainers −CPR Instructors

18 Sustaining the Membership

19 Engaging Volunteers Understanding goals Explain the mission so volunteers know what they are aiming for Clear expectations Clearly state the positions available Describe the services you offer Explain protections for the volunteer – liability, insurance Be honest about the application & screening process

20 Engaging Volunteers Passion – Enthusiasm – Buy-in Sell success. People are drawn to success We do good stuff – embrace it ! Be enthusiastic about the opportunities Measuring the impact Volunteering builds a better society Volunteering benefits the volunteer

21 Engaging Volunteers Identify roles – Develop Position Descriptions  Let the volunteer select the role  Like a candy bowl – −Pre-packaged −“Which one would you like?”

22 Communication “Talk to me, People!” Communication with volunteers Newsletters, e-letters, webpage Social Media Communication of training, setting up of customized workshops Frequent email updates Ongoing Recruitment Perhaps conducted/orchestrated by the EC!

23 Training  MRC members want and need to be competent to carry out their responsibilities  Keeps volunteers engaged  Self fulfillment through an expanding body of knowledge and skills

24 Training Tiered Training  Helps you recognize potential leaders  Engages those who want more than the minimum  Meets the needs of the organization, community and the volunteer

25 Other ideas? Questions? BE POSITIVE!

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