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Rollout Amy Duncan CDP.  Worked closely with USDA  Pioneer system took longer than current implementations  Rolled out with new web-based version of.

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Presentation on theme: "Rollout Amy Duncan CDP.  Worked closely with USDA  Pioneer system took longer than current implementations  Rolled out with new web-based version of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rollout Amy Duncan CDP

2  Worked closely with USDA  Pioneer system took longer than current implementations  Rolled out with new web-based version of clinic system  Lessons Learned  Pilot location close to State Office  Make sure retailers are aware of the reality of the WIC EBT Implementation- it is really happening! Kentucky

3  Rollout 1- STORC (2013)  Rollout 2- Crossroads (2014)  Lessons Learned  Stay away from the Capitol while legislature is in session  Start close to State Office and move counter clockwise around the State  POS Equipment  Contract lead time  Open the boxes!  Work with neighbor States for UPC capture West Virginia

4  FAST to meet State mandate  MIS and EBT simultaneous rollout  Implemented the “must haves” first and added additional items later  Lessons Learned  All hands on deck: State staff, contractors with strong State leadership to manage the integrated work across stakeholders  Take the system “as is” Florida

5  Just started pilot on 7/9- Yeah!  Lessons Learned:  Selected pilot in a region with few stores and clinics- geographically almost like an island to reduce transfer impacts  Start the interface specification process early and get the details hammered out Massachusetts

6  Kickoff Week  Relationship building  Cover all project areas  Management  Technical  Set expectations  Deliverable acceptance criteria  Shared vision of “what is happening next” for all project leaders  Communications tools  SharePoint or other file sharing locations General Lessons Learned

7    Amy Duncan   716.531.9057 Contact

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