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In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful and Compassionate the Most Gracious and Beneficent.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful and Compassionate the Most Gracious and Beneficent."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful and Compassionate the Most Gracious and Beneficent

2 BAJAUR AGENCY Review ( May, 2013) Mr Altafur Rehman AFO Bajaur Agency 21 th May, 2013

3 Map of Bajaur Loe-Mamound Wara-Mamound Khar Barang Utmankhel Salarzai Nawgai Chamrkand Border length with Afghanistan = 65 Kilometers Shares borders with Mohmand Agency, Malakand, Lower Dir & Afghanistan

4 Demography AFGHANISTAN DIR LOWER MOHMAND MALAKAND Name of Tehsil Target Population <5 Years Nawagai 19043 Wara Ko Mamound 29176 Khar 46956 Utmankhel 21200 Barang 18405 Loe Mamound 29930 Salarzai 44623 Chamarkand 1522 Border LengthKM Afghanistan65 km Malakand30 km Dir60 km Mohmand55 km Shares borders with Mohmand Agency, Malakand, Lower Dir & Afghanistan < 5 Year Population 2,23570

5 Salarzo Utmankhel Barang Khar Inaccessible Areas AFGHANISTAN MALAKAND MOHMAND Nawagai Chamarkand Loe-Mamound Wara -Mamoond Accessible Areas Current Status of Accessibility DIR LOWER

6 Utmankhel Barang Salarzai Utmankhel Tribe wise map DIR LOWER MOHMAND MALAKAND AFGHANISTAN Mamound Mixed

7 Agency Profile Total Population 13,0000 < 5 Year Population 223,570 Number of Tehsil 8 No of Facilities 39 No of High Risk UCs 10 No of RDT Centers 19 No of Microscopy Centers 17 Total No of Sub Tehsil/ Division 2

8 Trend of Microscopy & RDTs Centers 2008-2013

9 Trend of microscopy & RDTs Centers 2008-2013 YearM C RDT 2008 070 2009 0704 2010 1605 2011 1615 2012 1719 2013 1719

10 Trend of Positive cases 2008-2013 YearPFPVMaxTotal Slide 2008 1002249010104 2009 253020912920088 2010 241621494219962 2011 244344200733502 2012 64338336626204 2013 101413127538

11 Trend of Positive cases 2008-2013

12 Malaria Microscopy Centers Sr. No. Name of CentreFunctiona l / Non Functiona l Reason for Non Functional 1AHQH KharYesNo 2CH NawagaiYesNo 3CHC Zoor BanderYesNo 4CHC MnadalNoTransfer of M/S 5CHC QazafiYesNo 6CHC JarNoTransfer of M/S 7CHC RagaganYesNo 8CHC Kotki Lar sadinYesNo 9CHC DerakaiYesNo 10RHC PashatYesNo

13 Malaria Microscopy Centers Sr. No. Name of CentreFunctiona l / Non Functiona l Reason for Non Functional 11CHC LagarieYesNo 12CHC BilotYesNo 13CHC Khari KamarYesNo 14Bajaour Scout HospitalYesNo 15RHC BarangYesNo 16CHC ArangYesNo 17CHC Gani AdaYesNo

14 Malaria RDT Centers Sr. No. Name of CentreFunctiona l / Non Functiona l Reason for Non Functional 1CD GardaiYesNO 2CHC Kolala 1YesNO 3CHC Kolala 2YesNO 4CHC DebdabuYesNO 5CHC MalangaiYesNO 6CHC MenaYesNO 7CHC Inayat kalliYesNO 8CHC LoesamYesNO 9CHC Halki charmangYesNO 10CHC Hilal KhilYesNO

15 Malaria RDT Centers Sr. No. Name of CentreFunctiona l / Non Functiona l Reason for Non Functional 11CHC Sarkari QilaYesNO 12CHC Kokti CharmangYesNO 13CHC LandieYesNO 14CHC DabarYesNO 15CHC Safari GadamarYesNO 16CHC TarieYesNO 17CHC LakianYesNO 18CHC TaliYesNO 19CHC GhakhaiYesNO

16 Trained Staff at Malaria Microscopy Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreStaff Trained in Malaria Case Management Staff Trained Microscopy Staff Trained MIS 1AHQH KharYes 2CH NawagaiYes 3CHC Zoor BanderYes 4CHC MnadalYes 5CHC QazafiYes 6CHC JarYes 7CHC RagaganYes 8CHC Kotki Lar sadinYes 9CHC DerakaiYes 10RHC PashatYes

17 Trained Staff at Malaria Microscopy Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreStaff Trained in Malaria Case Management Staff Trained Microscopy Staff Trained MIS 11CHC LagarieYes 12CHC BilotYes 13CHC Khari KamarYes 14Bajaour Scout HospitalYes 15RHC BarangYes 16CHC ArangYes 17CHC Gani AdaYes

18 Trained Staff at Malaria RDT Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreStaff Trained in Malaria Case Management Staff Trained RDT Staff Trained MIS 1CD GardaiYes 2CHC Kolala 1Yes 3CHC Kolala 2Yes 4CHC DebdabuYes 5CHC MalangaiYes 6CHC MenaYes 7CHC Inayat kalliYes 8CHC LoesamYes 9CHC Halki charmangYes 10CHC Hilal KhilYes

19 Trained Staff at Malaria RDT Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreStaff Trained in Malaria Case Management Staff Trained RDT Staff Trained MIS 11CHC Sarkari QilaYes 12CHC Kokti CharmangYes 13CHC LandieYes 14CHC DabarYes 15CHC Safari GadamarYes 16CHC TarieYes 17CHC LakianYes 18CHC TaliYes 19CHC GhakhaiYes

20 Stock Situation at Malaria Microscopy Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreChemical s/ reagents Slides /pickers Antimalarial Drugs 1CHC Lagarie Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 2CHC Bilot Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 3CHC Khari Kamar Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 4Bajaour Scout Hospital Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 5RHC Barang Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 6CHC Arang Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 7CHC Gani Ada Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC

21 Stock Situation at Malaria Microscopy Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreChemical s/ reagents Slides /pickers Antimalarial Drugs 11AHQ Khar Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 12CHC Nawagai Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 13CHC Zorbander Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 14CHC Mandal Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 15RHC Pashat Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 16CHC Derakai Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 17CHC Kotki Larsadin Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 18CHC Raghagan Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC 19CHC Jar Supplied by ACD Tab Chloroquin,premaquin,ACT,inj Quinin,ETC

22 Stock Situation at Malaria RDT Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreRDTsAntimalarial Drugs 1CD GardaiYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 2CHC Kolala 1Yes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 3CHC Kolala 2Yes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 4CHC DebdabuYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 5CHC MalangaiYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 6CHC MenaYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 7CHC Inayat kalliYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 8CHC LoesamYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 9CHC Halki charmangYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC

23 Stock Situation at Malaria RDT Centers Sr. N o. Name of CentreRDTsAntimalarial Drugs 11CHC Sarkari QilaYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 12CHC Kokti CharmangYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 13CHC LandieYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 14CHC DabarYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 15CHC Safari GadamarYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 16CHC TarieYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 17CHC LakianYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 18CHC TaliYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC 19CHC GhakhaiYes Tab primaqen,ACTs,chloroquine,Inj Quinin ETC

24 Microscopy quality assurance measures in the district All centers Functional All Microscopies were Trained All stock were quarterly supplied ACD

25 Malaria Caseload in District Comparison between 2012&2013 PFPVMixed 201220132012201320122013 Jan138 44 58 110 2 8 Feb52 31 104128 2 1 March 2226 170 175 0 3 Total for Qtr 212 101332 413 8 12

26 Update on Monthly Malaria Coordination Meetings Record of Minutes of meetings ( Jan, Feb, March 2013) Compliance with decisions of Meetings ( Jan, Feb, March 2013) Monthly Co Ordination Meeting were Regularly Conducting Record the minutes of Meeting Discussing the issue in its possible solution Record were updating and cross checking were regularly don

27 Involvement of DHMT in Distribution and Verification of LLINs Active involvement of DHMT in distribution and verification of LLINs By ACD

28 Involvement of DHMT in Indoor Residual Spray Active involvement of DHMT in indoor Residual Spray by ACD TWO FOG MACHINE MOTER CYCLE. MOTER CYCLE TEN. SUZUKI FOG ONE. HAND PUMP THIRTY TWO(out work)


30 Main Issues & Solutions Transfer of Microscopiest from Centers

31 Let no family suffer the loss of a mother or a child due to preventable or treatable causes in Pakistan

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