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Blood Chapter 12 Your textbook has lots of great graphics, charts, tables, and diagrams for this chapter – READ IT!

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1 Blood Chapter 12 Your textbook has lots of great graphics, charts, tables, and diagrams for this chapter – READ IT!

2 Cardiovascular System a/k/a Circulatory System  Heart Pumps bloodPumps blood  Blood Fluid of systemFluid of system  Blood vessels Pathway of tubules for bloodPathway of tubules for blood

3 Functions of the Cardiovascular System  Transports substances to and from body gases, nutrients, waste, hormonesgases, nutrients, waste, hormones  Regulation of body fluids, pH, temperature  Protection Clotting, interferon, antibodiesClotting, interferon, antibodies

4 Characteristics of blood  100 degrees F  Alkaline (pH = 7.35-7.45)  5-6L (1.5 gallons)  8% of body weight  Components Plasma (55%)Plasma (55%) Formed elements (45%)Formed elements (45%)

5 Blood plasma  The “liquid” part of blood  91.5% water  7% protein GlobulinGlobulin AlbuminAlbumin FibrinogenFibrinogen  1.5% other solutes Antibodies, hormones, wasteAntibodies, hormones, waste

6 Formed Elements  Red blood cells (RBC) = erythrocytes  White blood cells (WBC) = leukocytes GranulocytesGranulocytes  Neutrophil  Basophil  eosinophil AgranulocytesAgranulocytes  Monocyte  lymphocyte  Platelets = thrombocytes

7 Hematocrit  Test performed to determine RBC count of total blood volume  Capillary tube is filled with blood  Blood is centrifuged RBC fall to bottom (~45%)RBC fall to bottom (~45%) Buffy coat in middle (<1%)Buffy coat in middle (<1%)  WBC & platelets Plasma on the top (~55%)Plasma on the top (~55%) Buffy coat

8 Erythrocytes (RBC)  ~5 million per uL (drop)  Biconcave disks  8 uM (1/25,000 of an inch)  When mature = no nucleus  Lifespan ~120 days  Contain hemoglobin protein (made of iron) which acts as binding agent for oxygen  Hemopoiesis = making new blood cells Occurs in red bone marrowOccurs in red bone marrow

9 Disorders  Erythema: reddening of the skin Allergic reactions, exercise, emotionsAllergic reactions, exercise, emotions  Cyanosis: bluing of the skin or nails Results from hypoxia or anoxiaResults from hypoxia or anoxia  Anemia: results from low RBC numbers or lack of hemoglobin

10 Leukocytes (WBC)  5,000-10,000 per uL (drop)  Have nucleus at maturity  Live 3-5 days  Some are macrophages: capable of phagocytosis (engulfing & destroying) ; some produce antibodies  2 types (depending on stain) Granular (end in –phil)Granular (end in –phil) Agranular (end in –cyte)Agranular (end in –cyte)


12 Granular Leukocytes  Neutrophil Most abundant in bloodMost abundant in blood 2-5 nuclear lobes2-5 nuclear lobes Stain  fine purple granulesStain  fine purple granules Capable of phagocytosisCapable of phagocytosis  Basophil 2 nuclear lobes2 nuclear lobes Stain  large purple granulesStain  large purple granules Activate during allergic responsesActivate during allergic responses Secrete heparin (blood anticoagulant)Secrete heparin (blood anticoagulant)  Eosinophil 2-3 nuclear lobes2-3 nuclear lobes Stain  large, reddish granulesStain  large, reddish granules Capable of phagocytosisCapable of phagocytosis Activate during allergic reactionsActivate during allergic reactions

13 Agranular Leukocytes  Lymphocytes 2 types: T-cell & B-cell2 types: T-cell & B-cell Large, round nucleusLarge, round nucleus Stain  blue cytoplasmStain  blue cytoplasm Capable of phagocytosisCapable of phagocytosis Elicits immune responseElicits immune response  Monocytes Kidney, or horseshoe shape, nucleusKidney, or horseshoe shape, nucleus Stain  gray cytoplasmStain  gray cytoplasm Capable of phagocytosisCapable of phagocytosis

14 Disorders  Leukocytosis: high WBC count Results when body has infectionResults when body has infection Usually temporary conditionUsually temporary condition  Leukopenia: low WBC count Will adversely affect immunityWill adversely affect immunity  Leukemia: excessive production of immature WBC

15 Thrombocytes  150,000-400,000 per uL (drop)  No nucleus  Disc shaped  Live 5-9 days  Will form plugs in small vessels  Will emit clotting response in larger breaks (hemostasis)

16 Platelet Plug formation 1. Platelets become sticky and adhere 2. Extensions are projected to hold themselves together 3. Agglutination (aggregation, clumping, clotting) occurs to form a plug *This will only be effective for breaks in very small vessels.


18 Hemostasis  Purpose = clot, coagulate, agglutinate, clump blood in large, broken vessels  Prevents hemorrhage  Requires proper vitamin K  Series of chemical reactions that thicken blood  Steps: 1. Prothrombinase is formed - it converts 2. prothrombin (in liver) to thrombin – it converts 3. fibrinogen (in blood) to fibrin 4. Fibrin is the clear, sticky gel that forms over wounds  scabs when exposed to air

19 Clotting disorders  Thrombosis: formation of a thrombus (clot) in an unbroken vessel; stationary = causes damage where formed  Embolism: formation of an embolus (clot) in an unbroken vessel; movable = may cause damage anywhere in body **Anticoagulants: clotting inhibitors Ex: heparin, coumadin


21 Blood Groups Blood Groups  ABO group 4 types: A, B, AB, O4 types: A, B, AB, O  Antigen (agglutinogen): protein found on RBC membrane  Antibody (agglutinin): protein found in plasma  Rh factor: extra protein in plasma (+ or -) *Antigen & antibodies oppose each other*

22 Blood Types ABABO AntigenABA&BNone AntibodyAnti-BAnti-ANoneAnti-A&Anti-B Type O is universal donor. Type AB is universal recipient.



25 Other terminology  Serum: plasma without the clotting proteins  Transfusion: transfer of whole or components of blood  Sickle cell disease (anemia): RBC has abnormal hemoglobin which causes RBC to take on sickle shape  poor oxygen transport  Hemophilia: inherited deficiency of clotting factors  free bleeding

26 ABO Blood Review  Blood Table A Blood Table A Blood Table A  Blood Table B Blood Table B Blood Table B  Blood Table C Blood Table C Blood Table C

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