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It is not the attempt of these training modules to teach the basics of Fitness and Wellness Programming. If you are a wellness specialist, you already.

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Presentation on theme: "It is not the attempt of these training modules to teach the basics of Fitness and Wellness Programming. If you are a wellness specialist, you already."— Presentation transcript:

1 It is not the attempt of these training modules to teach the basics of Fitness and Wellness Programming. If you are a wellness specialist, you already have been educated in this. We do, however, want you to understand our philosophy with regard to program design for the BP Wellness Center Member. We also encourage you to continue to educate yourself in all areas of fitness and wellness. BP Wellness Center Program Design and Implementation

2 Once a member has completed the fitness assessment and consultation (as discussed in previous modules) they may be in need of additional help in creating a plan/program. We are here to assist them in the areas of: Strength training Cardiovascular fitness Flexibility and mobility training Diet and Lifestyle coaching Minor musculo-skeletal rehabilitation BP Wellness Center Program design services

3 While we are here to help members achieve their goals, we must also remember that we are limited by time and staff. We must spread our services and education to as many members as possible. Our purpose is not to hand-hold members each time they come in to exercise or to “make them do it”. We want to guide them rather, and teach them the skills to become more independent when it comes to their health and fitness. We are trying to teach Fitness and Wellness to as many people as possible, in the most efficient way possible. This is what is ultimately most important for the member, the company and you as a professional. Please read the description of our training services under the membership tab of our website. BP Wellness Center Teachers, Not Personal Trainers

4 It is important to keep sessions brief and focused. 45 minutes or less is ideal. Most members do not have a great deal of time to spend in the Wellness Center. This can be a challenge to the wellness specialist when writing routines and educating the trainee. You often may find yourself writing between 8-10 programs a day for a wide variety of members. This is when your education is most important. You not only need to know what the member needs most, you need to be able to connect the program to the person—quickly, clearly and in a way that generates enthusiasm. BP Wellness Center Time Sensitive

5 You are going to have the opportunity to use all that you have learned on members who are excited to learn. As a staff, we encourage you to share any ideas you have with the rest of us. We want to have the best program possible. It is also very important we are all on the same wavelength when is comes to training and programming advice. It is very confusing for members if they receive conflicting advice from staff in the same facility. BP Wellness Center The Good News

6 A little food for thought and varied perspective on program design: Needs Analysis Anticipate Individual Variation to Training Benefits of Basic Programming Effective Teaching BP Wellness Center Resource material

7 BP Wellness Center



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