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Fault Generation Tool (FGT) of Error-Space Model (ESM) for the generation of test cases and estimation of software reliability Hong Zhang May 06, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Fault Generation Tool (FGT) of Error-Space Model (ESM) for the generation of test cases and estimation of software reliability Hong Zhang May 06, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fault Generation Tool (FGT) of Error-Space Model (ESM) for the generation of test cases and estimation of software reliability Hong Zhang May 06, 2003

2 MSE Presentation 1 Major Professor: Dr. David A. Gustafson Committee Members: Dr. Maria Zamfir Bleyberg Dr. Scott A. DeLoach

3 Overview  Introduction of project  Requirements  Data Flow Diagram  Cost Estimation  Milestones

4 Purpose of the Project  To gain some experience with software testing  To study mutation testing  To provide mutation operators for C++ programs  To implement a fault generation tool with C++

5 Potential Risks Lack of existing mutation operators references Lack of experiences of using mutation operators

6 Introduction of the project  This fault generation tool will build a set of possible faults by the ESM tool. The faults will be based on program mutation testing. The output of FGT will be a file of possible faults.

7 Mutation testing  For a program P, mutation testing produces a set of alternate programs. Each alternate program, P i, known as a mutant of P, is formed by modifying a single statement of P according to some predefined modification rule. These modification rules are called mutation operators. The syntactic change itself is called the mutation, and the resulting program is the mutant program, or simply mutant.

8 Mutation Operators for C++  Operand Replacement Operators (18)  Operators Insertion Operators (2)  Arithmetic Operator Replacement Operators (1)  Operators within these groups have reasonably uniform semantics and rules for applications

9 Mutation Operators - Operand  Operand Replacement Operators (18) Variables: OVV, OVC, OVA, OVP Constants: OCV, OCC, OCA, OCP Array References: OAV, OAC, OAA, OAP, OAN Pointers: OPV, OPC, OPA, OPP, OPN

10 Mutation Operators – Operators  Operators Insertion Operators IBO: Binary Operators Insertion  Multiplicative operators: Multiplication (*), Division (/), Modulus (%).  Additive operators: Addition (+), subtraction (-).  IBO1

11 Mutation Operators – Operators (cont.)  Operators Insertion Operators IBO: Binary Operators Insertion  Relational and equality operators: Less than ( ), Less than or  equal to ( =), Equal to (= =), Not equal to (!=).  IBO2

12 Mutation Operators – Operators (cont.)  Operators Insertion Operators IBO: Binary Operators Insertion  Logical operators: Logical AND (&&). Logical OR (||)  IBO3  Assignment operators: Assignment (=), Addition assignment (+=), Subtraction  assignment (- =), Multiplication assignment (*=), Division assignment (/=)  IBO4

13 Mutation Operators – Operators  IUO: Unary operator insertion Unary operator includes: ‘!’, ‘&’, ‘~’, ‘*’, ‘+’, ‘++’, ‘-‘, ‘- -‘.

14 Mutation Operators – Arithmetic  Arithmetic Operator Replacement Operators (1) AOR: Arithmetic operator replacement Each occurrence of one of the operators +, -, *, and / is replaced by each of the other operators.

15 Restrictions for input and output  Input: Any C++ files (C++ programs only)  Output: A set of possible faults generated by the program ( a faults file) The format of the output is going to be: Fault ID: Line Number: Column Number: Original expression: Change E.g. 1:35:25:<:+1< Which means that fault 1 is located at line 35, 25th column, original character is “<”, and should be changed to “+1<”.

16 Data Flow Diagram SRC Input Replace Operands Replace Arithmetic Operators Replace Relational Operators Replace Operators Output File (Faults File) Scan for Keywords Internal File Build Faults File

17 Project Requirements  Programming Language: C++  Ability to Read C++ Program  Keywords Search  Applying Mutation Operators  Recording Faults  Generating Faults File

18 Project Plan

19 Breakdown of the project  Keywords Scanning:P1  Operands replacement: P2  Operators replacement:P3  Arithmetic operators replacement: P4  Relational operators replacement: P5  Faults File generation:P6  Main method and others: P7

20 Subpiece Size Estimate (in LOC) PartMax SizeBest GuessMin Size 1300450600 2200350500 390150300 490150300 590150300 6 450600 7200300400

21 Estimates for the project  The estimates for each section:  P1 = 450  P2 = 350  P3 = 165  P4 = 165  P5 = 165  P6 = 450  P7 = 300  The estimate for the whole project:  Whole = 2050

22 Cost Estimation - Productivity  KDSI(Kilo Delivered Source Instruction)= 2.05 KLOC  PM = 3.0 * (2.05) 1.12 = 7 Person-Month  TDEV = 2.5 * (7) 0.38 = 2.5*1.69 = 3.56 Month  2050 LOC / 3.56 Month = 570 LOC/ Month = 19 LOC / Day  My Productivity: 19 LOC / Hour => 38 LOC / Day => I will finish this project in about 2 months if I work 2 hours a day, 30 days a month.

23 Milestones 05/06/03: First Presentation Introduction of project, Project Plan project requirements 06/10/03:Second Presentation Object Model, SQA Plan, Test Plan 07/16/03: Third Presentation Coding, Testing, Documentation, Final Report

24 Thank you! Comments? Questions?

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