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Digital Journal Molly Chamberlain. Burnt Robot This is a before and after shot of a photo that has been slightly burnt. I used the elliptical marquee.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Journal Molly Chamberlain. Burnt Robot This is a before and after shot of a photo that has been slightly burnt. I used the elliptical marquee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Journal Molly Chamberlain

2 Burnt Robot This is a before and after shot of a photo that has been slightly burnt. I used the elliptical marquee tool in photoshop in order to create the rounded edge it would’ve had before being burnt. I then used the eyedropper tool and selected the yellow background in order for the colours to match, I then used the brush tool to paint over the burnt sections and to replace the section that is missing. I then went over the white and red on the shoe to brighten it back up. Before After

3 Folded Robot These are before and after photos of the robot picture being folded up. I used the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop to reduce the folding marks on the robot. I found this difficult when keeping detail on the robot, such as his arm. Before After

4 Hyperphoto Jean Francois Rauzier is an artist who creates unique pictures, using a landscape photo and repetitive pictures of types of animals, such as horses. Here is my example of a hyperphoto:

5 Making My Hyperphoto First I chose the landscape photo I wanted for my picture, as well as choosing the type of animal I wanted to use. Then I collected a range of different photos of the animal and started placing them onto the landscape photo. I repeated this process until the whole area was full. I also used the quick selection tool when I needed to cut out animals from their backgrounds in the original photos.

6 Examples Here is an example of a hyperphoto using animals. He also makes the same type of photos repeating buildings on top of one another.

7 Content Aware To delete Mr Bean’s eye I selected the lasso tool and went around his eye, making a loop, I then pressed shift delete and his eye had filled in with the same colour as his skin, causing it to look like his eye has gone.

8 Content Aware Move

9 Content Aware Extend

10 3D Scanner - Sense The 3D scanner works with a camera, you travel around the object or person you’d like to scan slowly, making sure you are capturing every detail. You are able to see what you are doing on the computer screen it is connected to.You also need to move completely around the object or person, including the top and bottom.After scanning there are options to erase aspects of the model or solidify, if you have missed any parts out.

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