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Manipulation Planning. Locomotion ~ Manipulation 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Manipulation Planning. Locomotion ~ Manipulation 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manipulation Planning

2 Locomotion ~ Manipulation 2

3 Moving in the Robot x Object Space Configuration space is C robot x C object Assume object can only be grasped or ungrasped (no tilting, etc)

4 Transit Paths Let C stable be the subset of C object where the object is supported by the environment Let q object be a stable object configuration A transit path is a collision free path of the robot- object system in C robot x {q object }

5 Static Equilibrium Need forces at contacts to support robot against gravity mgmg f1f1 f2f2 Force balance Torque balance Friction constraint

6 Transfer Paths Let C grasp be the subset of C robot x C object where the robot grasps the object  Object has fixed relative transformation to the robot’s gripper A transit path is a path in C grasp where the object starts and stops in C stable

7 Force Closure Grasps For any force/torque on the object, there exists a balancing set of contact forces

8 Issues How does a planner choose:  The grasp(s)?  The start and end of each transfer path? Generalizing this to non-grasping actions

9 Multi-Modal Planning Legged Locomotion Navigation among Movable Obstacles Manipulation with Grasps & Regrasps Dexterous Manipulation Stilman et. al. 2007 Bretl 2006 Cortes et al 2002 Saut et. al. 2007 Mode = contact state

10 Toward the Future


12 IU Robotics Open House Part of National Robotics Week Friday, April 16 th More information forthcoming…

13 Project Midterm Presentations 3/9 and 3/11 10 minute presentation  Describe project goals (be specific)  What milestones have you achieved so far?  Pictures, videos of work in progress  Timeline

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