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118 Newton’s Third Law Notes 117 12/4/2014 Starter: 12/4/2014 Practice/Application: Glue here when done Exit: Write 10 things that you do during the day.

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Presentation on theme: "118 Newton’s Third Law Notes 117 12/4/2014 Starter: 12/4/2014 Practice/Application: Glue here when done Exit: Write 10 things that you do during the day."— Presentation transcript:

1 118 Newton’s Third Law Notes 117 12/4/2014 Starter: 12/4/2014 Practice/Application: Glue here when done Exit: Write 10 things that you do during the day that have an action-reaction force. List the action and reaction.1.2345678910 Newton’s Third Law Notes Connection/Exit : do activity then answer after do Ws ( leave space to answer) Discussion: 1. What do you notice? 2. Will the palm of your hand indent without something pushing on it? 3. What was pushing on your hand to leave the indentation? 4. What direction was it pushing? 5. Was this a force? 6. What forces were acting in this situation? 7. Did your hand or the table accelerate? 8. If forces were acting on your hand and the table, why was no motion observed? 9. Can we say that, if we push on an object, the object pushes back with an equal force? What do you know about Newton’s third law?

2 December 4, 2014 AGENDA 8.6 C December 4, 2014 AGENDA 8.6 C Students will investigate and describe applications of Newton’s third law of action-reaction by reading and writing during notes and an activity. 1 Starter 2. Notes 3. Activity

3 DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 11/3 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Notes 87-88 11/4 Speed and Velocity Lab 89-90 11/5 Interpreting Graphs 91-92 11/6 Walking Lab II with graphing 93-94 11/10 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 95-96 11/12 Newtons 1 st Law 97-98 11/13 Newton’s First Law Lab 99-100 11/14 Newton’s First Law Writing 101-102 11/17 CBA review 103-104 11/19 Newton’s First Law Lab #2 1 05-106 11/20 Newton’s Second Law 107-108 11/21 Newton’s Second Law Writing 109-110 12/1 Newton’s Second Law Lab 111-112 12/2 Newtons Second Law Ws 113-114 12/3 Newton’s Second Law Lab # 2 115-116 12/4 Newton’s Third Law Notes 117-118

4 Newton’s Third Law Notes For every action there is an opposite, but equal reaction…

5 TEKS 8.6C investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action- reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth’s tectonic activities, and rocket launches

6 Newton’s third law states that for every action there is always an opposite, but equal reaction.

7 This means that when you push on an object, it pushes back on you with equal force.

8 Observe the person pushing the ball in the picture.

9 The person is pushing on the ball, but the ball is pushing back on the person.

10 The reaction is NOT the ball moving forward (The ball moving forward is cause and effect)

11 Action: person pushing ball Reaction: ball pushes back on person

12 See if you can identify the opposite reaction in each of the pictures! Draw arrows to show the direction of the action and opposite reaction.

13 Fist hits wall. a. wall hits fist

14 b. ball bumps head Head bumps ball.

15 Hand touches globe. c. globe touches hand

16 Boy kicks ball. d. ball kicks boy

17 Athlete pushes bar up. e. bar pushes down on athlete

18 Ball hits bat. f. bat hits ball

19 Windshield hits bug bug. g. bug hits windshield

20 Finger touches nose. h. nose touches finger

21 Connection Rest the palm of your hand lightly against the edge of a desk and then observe your palm. Answer the questions when you are done.

22 Connection/Exit : do activity then answer Discussion: 1. What do you notice? 2. Will the palm of your hand indent without something pushing on it? 3. What was pushing on your hand to leave the indentation? 4. What direction was it pushing? 5. Was this a force? 6. What forces were acting in this situation? 7. Did your hand or the table accelerate? 8. If forces were acting on your hand and the table, why was no motion observed? 9. Can we say that, if we push on an object, the object pushes back with an equal force? Newton’s Third Law Notes 118

23 Newton’s Third Law Notes 117 12/4/2014 Starter: 12/4/2014 Practice/Application: Glue here when done Exit: Write 10 things that you do during the day that have an action-reaction force. List the action and reaction.1.2345678910 Newton’s Third Law Notes Connection/Exit : do activity then answer after do Ws ( leave space to answer) Discussion: 1. What do you notice? 2. Will the palm of your hand indent without something pushing on it? 3. What was pushing on your hand to leave the indentation? 4. What direction was it pushing? 5. Was this a force? 6. What forces were acting in this situation? 7. Did your hand or the table accelerate? 8. If forces were acting on your hand and the table, why was no motion observed? 9. Can we say that, if we push on an object, the object pushes back with an equal force? What do you know about Newton’s third law?

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