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The 4 Apostles of Britain To describe the stories of the 4 Apostles of Britain To evaluate their importance and why people listened to their preaching.

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Presentation on theme: "The 4 Apostles of Britain To describe the stories of the 4 Apostles of Britain To evaluate their importance and why people listened to their preaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 4 Apostles of Britain To describe the stories of the 4 Apostles of Britain To evaluate their importance and why people listened to their preaching

2 St Columba was born in Ireland and was of royal blood. Indeed, he might have become High King of Ireland but he chose to be a priest and joined a monastery. After a few years as a monk, Columba decided to build more monasteries himself. He needed books for the monks to learn from and use, so he got hold of the book of the psalms from someone called Finian, and copied it without permission. Finian was furious. He complained to the King, but the King, who was related to Columba, did not rule in his favour, so Finian decided to settle the matter himself, and went to war against Columba's clan. Columba’s clan defeated Finian at the battle but many people died in the fighting. Columba went to confess his sin to a priest but the priest ordered Columba leave Ireland forever, and to make as many new Christians as he had caused to die, as penance. So Columba left Ireland with twelve companions, sailing until he could not see Ireland any more. He landed on the island of Iona, in Scotland and began to build churches and monasteries, and preach Christianity. He converted large parts of Scotland to Christianity and built churches wherever he went. He was a poet as well as a man of action, and some of his poems still exist. His biographer wrote about him that he was sensitive to beauty, because he was 'gladdened in his inmost heart by the joy of the Holy Spirit.' He died in 597. 1.What are some key facts about him? Bullet point them. 2.What do you like about this Saint? **Do you think that if someone has done something bad in their life, they cannot be as great a Saint as someone who has not? From a poem by St Columba “Delightful to me to be on an island hill, on the crest of a rock, that I might often watch the quiet sea; That I might watch the heavy waves above the bright water, as they chant music to their Father everlastingly.”

3 Imagine you are a leader in a country in the UK expecting a visit from one of the following Saints: Columba, David, Augustine, Patrick. Design a poster to advertise his coming to your town, so people will come and listen to him. Include 1.3 facts about his life so people will be interested in coming to hear him preach. 2.2 achievements that he did to help Christianity spread 3.Explain 2 reasons why it’s important that people should hear him speak St Augustine - England St Columba - Scotland St Patrick - Ireland St David - Wales

4 Celtic Art Meanings in Celtic Art Knotwork Interlace - the interconnection of life and humankind's place within the universe. Common knots include the Trinity knot Spirals - usually reflects personal spirit, and an individual's attainment of balance in the inner conciousness and outer self. May also represent the cosmos, heavens, and water (waves). A common spiral type pattern would be the Triskel, thought to represent the Holy Trinity Maze and Step Patterns - an individual's journey through life (as in through a labyrinth), their path of experiences and learning. Zoomorphics (animals) – Hounds - loyalty Lions - nobility, strength Snakes - rebirth (Dragon or serpent designs may be interpreted the same as snakes) Birds - purity (peacocks) or nobility (eagles) Salmon - knowledge Bull - strength Boar - ferocity, strength k/p/easy-celtic-knots.html

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