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CS Group Project Kickoff 2011 Alan Blackwell. Allocated project topics Preferences for topics were considered. There were no guarantees - you may not.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Group Project Kickoff 2011 Alan Blackwell. Allocated project topics Preferences for topics were considered. There were no guarantees - you may not."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Group Project Kickoff 2011 Alan Blackwell

2 Allocated project topics Preferences for topics were considered. There were no guarantees - you may not have received your first (or second, or third) preferences. You will be grouped with people you don’t know - this is the whole point. Any serious reasons why you can’t work with this group must be communicated to me within the next hour.

3 Special notes:

4 Alpha: African SMS Radio No special notes

5 Bravo: Crowd Control No special notes

6 Charlie: Digit[Ov]al automated cricket commentary Involves special hardware Collect a box, to be returned with hardware at end of project.

7 Delta: Hand Wave, Hand Wave Involves special hardware Collect a box, to be returned with hardware at end of project.

8 Echo: iZoopraxiscope - Interactive Handheld Projector The Samsung projector phone has been delivered to your client He will hand it over at first project meeting.

9 Foxtrot: Lounge Star Will use Android phone The phone has previously been used by Masters students, and may need hard reset. Note that a Google account is necessary to initialise the phone. Return phone with packaging at end of project.

10 Golf: The Energy Forecast No special notes

11 Hotel: Top Tips You will need to contact client to get details of available data

12 India: True Mobile Coverage Will use Android phone The phone has previously been used by Masters students, and may need hard reset. Note that a Google account is necessary to initialise the phone. Return phone with packaging at end of project.

13 Juliet: Twitter Dashboard No special notes

14 Kilo: Walk out of the Underground Will use Android phone The phone has previously been used by Masters students, and may need hard reset. Note that a Google account is necessary to initialise the phone. Return phone with packaging at end of project.

15 Lima: Who is my Customer? No special notes

16 Access to PWF/Linux filespace Workstation room is upstairs. Filespaces have been created for each group: –${CLTEACH}/grpproj/alpha/ –${CLTEACH}/grpproj/bravo/ –${CLTEACH}/grpproj/charlie/ –etc … Your CRSID has been assigned permission to access your group directory.

17 Review meeting appointments The whole group must attend the three one-hour meetings with your client: –1. Requirements specification –2. Implementation and test results –3. Demo and final report Time and location have been negotiated with each client, as reported in handout If you know of a commitment that will prevent you attending a meeting please report immediately!

18 Next steps: Meet members of your group right now Allocate project roles Arrange future meetings and review times Start work on requirements specification. Anyone with a problem about group allocation, see me right now, or email within the next hour.

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