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ULTIMATE: Preliminary Test Results IPHC-LBNL Phone Conference Outline  Ultimate test status  Analogue outputs (tested by Mathieu)  Pixel array + Discriminators.

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Presentation on theme: "ULTIMATE: Preliminary Test Results IPHC-LBNL Phone Conference Outline  Ultimate test status  Analogue outputs (tested by Mathieu)  Pixel array + Discriminators."— Presentation transcript:

1 ULTIMATE: Preliminary Test Results IPHC-LBNL Phone Conference Outline  Ultimate test status  Analogue outputs (tested by Mathieu)  Pixel array + Discriminators (tested by Mathieu)  Zero suppression logic (tested by Gilles)  Synchronous readout of N Ultimate (proposed by Kader & Gilles)  DAQ development for BT (Gilles et al.)

2 STAR IPHC 2 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: test status Ultimate sensors have been received at IPHC March 24th 2011  1 wafer (No. 4) with HighRes EPI 15 µm  1 Diced wafer (No. 5) thinned down to 120 µm with HighRes EPI 20 µm AMS tested each wafer by using integrated PCM (test 5 sites/wafer)  Process parameters are out of specification ranges in 2 sites on wafers No.4 and 5 9 chips were bonded on PCB. All have passed the test of power on and JTAG  1 for PLL test  1 for regulator test  7 for analogue & digital characterization Power on test results:  I ddA ~150 mA, I ddD ~70 mA (low activity)  730 mW (3.3 V)  ~150 mW/cm² In chip regulator for Vclamping works in 5 tested chips  4 chips have problem  Still investigating

3 STAR IPHC 3 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Analogue Output Pixel array scan at 40 MHz, T sensor ~ 20°C  JTAG Nominal value  VddA = 3.3 V  Vclamping provided by in chip regulator  Good noise uniformity, ENC ~ 14 e -  Gain similar to Mimosa26 ~ 65 µV/ e -  CCE is not sensitive to temperature variation Chips Calib peak (U ADC ) ENC (e - ) CCE Seed pixel2x2 pixels3x3 pixels5x5 pixels Ultimate39513.824%62%82%94% Mi22 AHR (S7)45813.620%52%72%87% Mimosa263911223%59%77%89% Ultimate Sensor Calib peak (U ADC ) ENC (e - ) CCE Seed pixel2x2 pixels3x3 pixels5x5 pixels ~20 °C39513.824%62%82%94% ~35 °C38516.424%62%83%96% ~45 °C36920.723%63%85%99%

4 STAR IPHC 4 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Analogue Output (2)  Sensor performances remaining almost the same when VddA varies from 3.3 to 3 volt 8 columns run at 160 MHz  Problem 1: Large CDS (V read -V calib ) offset value Analogue output is distributed by READ signal  Problem identified Coupling between the bias of the output buffer & READ in the layout Workaround: possible but need investigation  Problem 2: Marker (MKA) despaired at 160 MHz (156 MHz is ok) READ periodCALIB period Analogue Output

5 STAR IPHC 5 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Pixel Array + Discriminators Temporal noise uniformity  TN ~ 0.96 mV FPN Without offset to 0 adjustmentWith offset to 0 adjustment, FPN ~ 0.55 mV

6 STAR IPHC 6 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Pixel Array + Discriminators (2) A B CD No strange behaviours observed

7 STAR IPHC 7 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Pixel Array + Discriminators (3) A B CD 1.003 0.5747 0.9474 0.4896 0.9243 0.4768 0.8995 0.4707

8 STAR IPHC 8 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Pixel Array + Discriminators (3) Observed points  Large offset in every 16 rows Still within 4 sigma Structure in the design, try to minimize  Offset dispersion in column & row "half moon"  Not seen in Mimosa26  Offset is frequency & temperature sensible  Power supply to 3 V VddA set to 3 V, Ultimate still works with similar performances VddD set to 3 V, Ultimate losses its performances  need more investigations

9 STAR IPHC 9 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Ultimate: Zero suppression logic Check (but not an exhaustive test)  Conditions: VddD = 3.3V, Frequency at 150 MHz in most case (due to limitation on test board and tight planning)  Test of critical patterns (defined by Guy) – Done on 5000 frames Test N° 1 Line pattern 0  0 Line pattern 1  Discri 0 & 959 = 1 Test N° 2 Line pattern 0  Discri 0 & 959 = 1 Line pattern 1  0 Test N° 3 Line pattern 0  Discri 0, 63, 64, 127, 128 = 1 Line pattern 1  0 Test N° 4 ( Test limited to 500 frames ) Line pattern 0  Shift emulated hit on a single discri ( 0.. 959 ) Line pattern 1  0 Test N° 5 ( Test limited to 500 frames ) Line pattern 0  0 Line pattern 1  Shift emulated hit on a single discri ( 0.. 959 )  SUZE works without error

10 STAR IPHC 10 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Synchronous readout of N Ultimate (on a ladder) Standard protocol with Start synchro / clock  not applicable  Error in Ultimate ( bad clock used to sample Start 80 MHz instead of 160 MHz ) First workaround  Difficult to implement  Synchronize also Reset with clock ( Reset & Start )  Reset is a slow control signal ( from boards to Ultimate ) NOT a fast signal  Never tested Second workaround  Easier to implement & Validated at lab  Reset all Ultimates  Load JTAG  Start clock ( gate controlled by flip/flop  to get first clock cycle as full period )  Send Start signal ( synchronized on clock falling edge as usual )

11 STAR IPHC 11 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Status of DAQ for Beam Test (BT) Done  Use FW developed for Mimosa26  Upgrade to solve N x Ultimate synchronization problem done  Test of FW at 150 MHz done with one Ultimate To be done  Check trigger handling FW running @ 150 MHz  Upgrade of DAQ SW & Monitoring Remark  All tests will be performed at 150 MHz because of limitation on test boards  No time to investigate  BT foreseen this summer

12 ULTIMATE: Latch up free design IPHC-LBNL Phone Conference Outline  Latch-up free SRAM test setup status  Latch up free digital design status

13 STAR IPHC 13 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Latch-up free SRAM design status Latch-up free SRAM (256x8) is designed by a Ph.D student in the last year.  BUT: 4 metal layers have been used If the evaluation of the designed module is OK  Redesign with only 3 metal layers!  We will extend it to the size of the memory used for Ultimate (2x2 x (2048x16)) Planning proposed last year has to be revisited which was under estimated! SRAM test status:  HW & SW needed to test SRAM HW ( G. Doziere + O. Clausse )  Mother board  Power supply, buffers, connectors  Daughter board  SRAM holder ( SIMM format ) FW & SW  FW  Pattern generator & DAQ with NI Flex RIO ( C. Santos )  SW  RAM test routines in C ( G. Doziere )  Test planning HW stopped because Guy has “an accident” ( broken knee  ~ 5 weeks )  Boards ready for test at lab mid/end July FW & SW  FW  Done  SW  To be done ( M. Specht?/G. Claus?)  Ready for mi July

14 STAR IPHC 14 04/05/2011 Tel meeting LBNL/IPHC Latch up free digital design status How? increase the spacing between Nplus and Pplus layer  Stretching all the AMS digital standard cells by 3 µm  All the layout for AMS Standard cells have been stretch by hand or by using skill program (more than 250 cells)  Abstract views have been created in a new library  A trial has been done: Integration of these abstract in SOC Encounter flow (Digital placer and rooter) Design of SLOWCONTROL (JTAG) block with the stretched cells as a test case  DRC, LVS without special problem Next steps: extend this procedure to all mixte and digital blocs Main difficulties:  Limited space: Ultimate already used the maximum reticle size. All above modifications have to feet to the Ultimate size. Please pay attention that the memory will have 50% size incensement!!!  Memory is a unknown bloc for us. Some questions such as how to simulate it with other digital blocs, how to test it (we have to use the same PAD ring), … are not solved  Several iterations have to be planned due to optimisation of the size & timing (160 MHz)  At least 6 month of development 13 µm 16 µm

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