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EITI in Ukraine: background, activities, perspectives Bishkek 29, October 2010 MYKHAILO GONCHAR NOMOS.

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Presentation on theme: "EITI in Ukraine: background, activities, perspectives Bishkek 29, October 2010 MYKHAILO GONCHAR NOMOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 EITI in Ukraine: background, activities, perspectives Bishkek 29, October 2010 MYKHAILO GONCHAR NOMOS

2 Energy Transparency in Ukraine: start of discussions and studies after IEA Energy Policy Review The Review Team identified three key priority areas in its recommendations: energy efficiency, cost-reflective pricing and transparency. Finally, Ukraine could strengthen its energy policy by improving the transparency of its energy data and market rules. Center NOMOS under support of the IRF started project Oil and Gas Sector of Ukraine: transparency of functioning and revenues. 2007

3 2008 Publication of an analytical report: Oil and Gas Sector of Ukraine: transparency of functioning and revenues. Co-creation of an Internet-resource Organization and participation in different forums in Ukraine and abroad

4 2009 Participation in IV EITI Global Conference Expanding the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Agenda to Transportation of Hydrocarbon Resources

5 Proposed Reform Conditions. Prior Actions. Establish a clear commitment to increased transparency in the sector. Ideally this should include Ukraine's agreement to join EITI, but, as a minimum, should include a commitment to regular and timely public reporting of key financial data. 2009 20.07.2009 № Q/N-090720 Віце-прем’єр-міністру України п. Григорію Немирі Letter of Ukrainian NGOs to Government concerning joining to EITI IFI and EC conditions

6 2009 Creation and legalizations of an Association of NGOs in Ukraine EnergyTransparency (May-December) Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on joining the EITI (September) Statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on joining the EITI

7 2009 The letter of P. Eigen to Y. Tymoshenko

8 2010 Finalized Projects: Creation of the case on Hydrocarbon Transit Transparency in Ukraine (EITI methotology) Transparency level determination of oil and gas extracting companies via adapted EITI template Final report on energy transparency in Ukraine

9 Ministry of Fuel and Energy confirmed intension to continue implementation of EITI in Ukraine “Moreover, it should be noted, that Ministry of Fuel and Energy shares principles of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and consi- ders that implementation of the mentioned Initiative will contribute to ad- vancing management methods in the extractive Industries of Ukraine, Improve investment climate in the state, support more effective use of na- tural resources and confirm intensions of the Government of Ukraine to resolute fight against corruption. It also continues the work on implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.09.09 No. 1098”. 21, July 2010

10 Autumn 2010 Project: Proposals on changing Ukrainian legislation in order to bring it closer to EITI requirements Continuation of monitoring of activity on the Black Sea shelf

11 Thank you for your attention NOMOS Center

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