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By: Zack Blystone. UKRAINECHILE  Ukraine is a country that lies in Eastern Europe. The Capital is the city of Kiev. It is located in the northern central.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Zack Blystone. UKRAINECHILE  Ukraine is a country that lies in Eastern Europe. The Capital is the city of Kiev. It is located in the northern central."— Presentation transcript:

1 by: Zack Blystone

2 UKRAINECHILE  Ukraine is a country that lies in Eastern Europe. The Capital is the city of Kiev. It is located in the northern central part of the country.  Chile is located on the Western boarder of South America. The Capital is the city of Santiago. It is the fifth largest city in South America.


4  The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. It is an East Slavic language of 65%. Russian is the other native language of 33%.  The official language of Chile is Spanish. However, there are many indigenous languages spoken around the country.

5 CHILEUKRAINE 17,067,36944,854,065

6  Ukraine: 38% of the country practice no religion.  Chile: They are 89% Roman Catholic. UKRAINE CHILE Ukrainian orthodox (different jurisdictions) Ukrainian Greek Catholic Protestant Jewish Protestant Jewish NEGL

7 Ukraine  Very family oriented.  Grandparents play a great roll in raising children.  Well known for their hospitality.  Drinking in Ukraine is a cultural phenomenon.  Sitting between two people with the same name is considered good luck. Chile  The family occupies a central role.  Woman pat each other on the right forearm or shoulder as a greeting.  Woman sit before men at the dinner table.  Pour wine with the right hand only

8 UKRAINE  Major Industries: Coal, Electric Power, & Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals  Agriculture: Grain, Sugar Beets, & Sunflower Seeds  Natural Resources: Iron Ore, Coal, & Manganese  Major Exports: Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals, Fuel and Petroleum Products, Chemicals  Currency: Hryvnia CHILE  Major Industries: Copper, Other Minerals, & Foodstuffs  Agriculture: Grapes, Apples, & Pear  Natural Resources: Copper, Timber, & Iron Ore  Major Exports: Copper, Fruit, & Fish Products  Currency: Chilean Peso

9 UKRAINE “Ukraine was first populated by nomadic tribes. Both Greece and Rome established cities in the Ukraine when at the peak of their empires. In the 10th century, the Kievan Rus emerged as a growing city-state based out of the city of Kiev. By the 11th century the Kieven Rus was the largest empire in Europe. In the 12th century the empire began to decline and in the 13th century Mongol raiders destroyed the city of Kiev. In later years, the Ukraine would become part of other countries, first Poland and later Russia. The Ukrainians made efforts to keep their culture alive despite limits imposed on them by Russia. Russia even banned the use and study of the Ukrainian language. When the Soviet Union took over, things became even worse. Joseph Stalin created an artificial famine to maintain control of the area which killed millions of people. World War II did not make things better for the Ukraine. It is estimated that the German Nazi's killed 1 million Ukrainian Jewish people. Yet another disaster struck the Ukraine in 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. The Soviet Union tried to hide the disaster and refused international help. Finally, the Soviet Union collapsed and Ukraine became an independent country in 1991.”

10 CHILE “Chile was first settled as many as 10,000 years ago. In 1536 the Europeans discovered Chile. The first to arrive was the Spanish headed by Diego de Almagro. There were already hundreds of thousands of native peoples living in Chile at the time. Soon the Spanish began to conquer Chile and Pedro de Valdivia founded the city of Santiago on February of 1941. Unlike Peru, Chile was not rich with gold and silver, but its central valley held the riches of agriculture. Soon Chile was part of the Spanish Empire. In 1810, the Chileans decided to fight for their independence from Spain. The war that followed was called the Reconquista. In 1817 armies led by famed Chilean patriot Bernardo O'Higgins and the hero of Argentina, Jose de San Martin defeated the Spanish. They crossed over the Andes to attack. Chile declared independence on February 12, 1818. Bernardo O'Higgins was the first leader of independent Chile. One of the most famous recent events to occur in Chile was when 33 miners were trapped deep within a gold mine in San Jose. Rescuers searched for the miners for 17 days and finally found them trapped 2,300 feet below the ground. All 33 men were eventually brought to the surface. The rescue was shown on live television and viewed by people all around the world.”

11 UKRAINE  The conflict arising in Ukraine today stems from the Ukrainian president's rejection of a single economic deal with the European Union regarding an association agreement. CHILE  Chilean Winter (in particular reference to the massive protests of August 2011) or the Chilean Education Conflict (as labelled in Chilean media)  The Baltimore crisis; A diplomatic clash between Chile and the United States.

12 UKRAINE  Like: Their hospitality  Dislike: The current crisis CHILE  Like: The family importance  Dislike: It is commonplace for people to try and deduce another's position in the social rank.

13 Since I’ve become accustomed to the culture in the United States, I would not like to live in either of the countries I did this presentation on. I think it would be interesting to visit both of these places, however, I definitely would not want to live there. I wouldn’t want to learn a culture different than the one that I currently live in.



16  customs.html customs.html  etiquette/chile.html etiquette/chile.html  hp?country=Ukraine hp?country=Ukraine  chile.html chile.html

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