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Published byAgatha Eleanor Higgins Modified over 9 years ago
EMODNet Chemistry Lot (MARE/2012/10) Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – Italy 21° MODEG meeting, Oostende February 2014
Chemistry Lot: ● Where and what; ● Data collection and Metadata Compilation; ● Products; ● Recent updates/ open issues; ● Ongoing activities.
The portal should cover all European waters Note: This map is derived from the EU Tender document but lacks the Norwegian sea The parameters: In 3 matrices: -water column; -biota; -sediment.
Data Collection and Metadata Compilation : Data harvesting (WP1) and maps generation (WP2) is organized at Regional level. 5 sea regions have been defined as: Greater North Sea (including Norwegian Sea and Celtic Sea); Atlantic Sea (including Atlantic Coast and Macaronesia); Baltic Sea; Black Sea; Mediterranean Sea. Sub-regional seas of Europe, as specified in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD DIKE 5/12/08)
Baltic Sea (189.535 stations) Per CDI PartnerCountry Edmo_co de CDI PartnerDatasets Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology RoskildeDenmark729134942 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological InstituteSweden54537994 German Oceanographic Datacentre (NODC)Germany966352 Finnish Meteorological InstituteFinland17255544 PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental ScienceGermany32342096 Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia (LU)Latvia2239721 Geological Survey of EstoniaEstonia1609542 Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of TechnologyEstonia713388 Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Branch of Marine Geology (PGI BMG)Poland609326 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St-Petersburg Russian Federatio n924139 Latvian Institute of Aquatic EcologyLatvia698134 Institute of Geology and Geography of Nature Research CentreLithuania1545118 All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) Russian Federatio n68175 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)Denmark73033
Baltic Sea Per Discovery ParameterDatasetsPer Discovery ParameterDatasets Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column165745Sediment water content, porosity and surface area281 Temperature of the water column114931Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column277 Salinity of the water column114914 Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment samples272 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column93135Organometallic species concentration parameters in sediments175 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column87511Geological sample radioactivity167 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column78058 Concentration of other organic contaminants in the water column154 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column70276 Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in sediment samples148 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column70241Pesticide concentrations in sediment127 Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column57756Reference numbers122 Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column54233Metal concentrations in biota121 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column37144Pesticide concentrations in biota121 Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column34441Density of the water column111 Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column29373 Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the water column94 Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column13336Radioactivity in the water column86 Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column11625Moored instrument depth75 Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column7846Fish morphology, age and physiology74 Vertical spatial coordinates3490Pesticide concentrations in water bodies74 Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in the water column2810Carbon concentrations in sediment73 Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks1935Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in sediment66 Variable fluorescence parameters1708 Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biota47 Sediment grain size parameters1355Metadata parameters47 Secchi disk depth1139Organometallic species concentration parameters in biota47 Lithology542Shellfish morphology, age and physiology47 Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column539Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters47 Concentration of other organic contaminants in sediment samples509Particulate metal concentrations in the water column33 Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column410 Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water column16 Dissolved concentration parameters for other gases in the water column285Mineralogical composition12
Black Sea (42.426 stations) Per CDI PartnerCountry Edmo_cod e CDI PartnerDatasets Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and OceanographyUkraine68812208 P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RASRussian Federation6856550 National Institute for Marine Research and Development Grigore AntipaRomania6974968 All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC)Russian Federation6814683 Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES)Ukraine11674275 Marine Hydrophysical InstituteUkraine7273258 Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical UniversityTurkey6961572 Marine branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological InstituteUkraine8411200 National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBulgaria961837 Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov UniversityUkraine1169825 Scientific - Research Firm GAMMAGeorgia1265808 Institute of Fishery Resources (IFR)Bulgaria191247 Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine SciencesTurkey732239 Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre(BGODC), Institute of OceanologyBulgaria692216 Sinop University, Fisheries FacultyTurkey733183 Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Centre of Relations with UNESCO Oceanological Research Centre and GeoDNA (UNESCO)Georgia693102 Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Marine Science and TechnologyTurkey80176 Taurida V.I. Vernadsky National UniversityUkraine222755 Danube Hydro-meteorological ObservatoryUkraine223144 Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, NAS of UkraineUkraine84030 Ankara UniversityTurkey217624 IFREMER / IDM/SISMERFrance48622 Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems (USRIEP)Ukraine11684
Black Sea Per Discovery ParameterDatasetsPer Discovery ParameterDatasets Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column32160Secchi disk depth837 Temperature of the water column25759 Dissolved concentration parameters for other gases in the water column713 Salinity of the water column25511Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks588 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column21306Total metal concentrations in water bodies582 Density of the water column15788Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column498 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column15699Primary production in the water column395 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column9777Electrical conductivity of the water column379 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column9385 Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the water column372 Vertical spatial coordinates7783 Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column238 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column5182Pesticide concentrations in sediment233 Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column4339 Concentration of other organic contaminants in sediment samples177 Moored instrument depth3853Concentration of alkanes in the water column122 Concentration of other organic contaminants in the water column2168Concentration of inorganic halogens in water bodies121 Unspecified2113 Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column65 Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column1523 Concentration of dissolved organic matter in the water column44 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column1369 Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column25 Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column1286Light absorption in the water column24 Radioactivity in the water column1228 Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column20 Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column1220Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies14 Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in the water column1153 Dissolved trace metalloid concentrations in the water column4 Concentration of other hydrocarbons in the water column1090Temperature variation in the water column2 Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column1055Air pressure1 Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column938Engineering parameters1 Pesticide concentrations in water bodies921Sediment lipid concentrations1
Mediterranean Sea (73.623 stations) Per CDI PartnerCountry Edmo_co de CDI PartnerDatasets OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Division of OceanographyItaly12039584 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC)Greece2697409 IFREMER / IDM/SISMERFrance4866577 IEO/Spanish Oceanographic InstituteSpain3535359 National Institute of Biology - NIBMarine Biology StationSlovenia12294154 Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR)Israel9633427 All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) Russian Federation6813276 Institute of Oceanography and FisheriesCroatia7001554 Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer – INSTMTunisia1232783 BRGM / Office of Geological and Mining ResourcesFrance1022566 Cyprus Oceanography CenterCyprus711499 International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre (University Of Malta) / Physical Oceanography UnitMalta708128 CNR, Institute of Marine Science U.O.S. of Pozzuolo di Lerici (SP)Italy134118 PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental ScienceGermany323477 Marine Hydrophysical InstituteUkraine72741 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)Denmark73040 British Oceanographic Data CentreUnited Kingdom4318 NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchNetherlands6308 National Laboratory of Energy and GeologyPortugal21245
Mediterranean Sea Per Discovery ParameterDatasetsPer Discovery ParameterDatasets Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column66048Electrical conductivity of the water column573 Salinity of the water column64531Sediment grain size parameters559 Temperature of the water column63156Lithology308 Vertical spatial coordinates62663 Phosphorus concentrations in suspended particulate material270 Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column29756Primary production in the water column159 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column24025Regenerated production in water bodies141 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column22605New production in water bodies139 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column20711 Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column135 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column18961Suspended particulate material grain size parameters71 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column14272Urea concentration parameters in the water column70 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column13849Shellfish morphology, age and physiology66 Redox potential in sediment10092Excretion rate parameters in the water column55 Raw fluorometer output7825Nitrification rate in the water column54 Transmittance and attenuance of the water column7287Concentration of inorganic halogens in water bodies47 Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column6080Radioactivity in the water column41 Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column3689 Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biota38 Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column3529Metal concentrations in biota38 Moored instrument depth3276Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in biota33 Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column2958Pesticide concentrations in biota33 Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column2901Trace metalloid concentrations in biota33 Density of the water column2419Mineralogical composition26 Unspecified2212Carbon concentrations in sediment21 Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column2164 Concentration of carbohydrates, phenols, alkanols (alcohols), aldehydes and ketones in water bodies17 Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column1721Concentration of proteins in the water column17 Reference numbers1626 Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in sediment pore waters16 Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column1402Nitrogen concentrations in sediment16 Date and time1213Nutrient concentrations in sediment pore waters16 Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column948Temperature variation in the water column8 Variable fluorescence parameters933Concentration of organic matter in sediments5 Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column717Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies5 Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks654Acoustic backscatter in the water column2 Optical backscatter643Platform or instrument orientation2 Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)632 Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere2
North Sea (121.167 stations) Per CDI PartnerCountry Edmo_c ode CDI PartnerDatasets Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology RoskildeDenmark72949061 British Oceanographic Data CentreUnited Kingdom4316027 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological InstituteSweden54513864 Rijkswaterstaat WaterdienstNetherlands152613122 German Oceanographic Datacentre (NODC)Germany9610437 Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Belgian Marine Data CentreBelgium15788021 Netherlands Institute for Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Marine EcologyNetherlands6337987 IFREMER / IDM/SISMERFrance486900 Flanders Marine InstituteBelgium422654 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)Denmark730527 All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) Russian Federation681277 PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental ScienceGermany3234264 BRGM / Office of Geological and Mining ResourcesFrance1022152 NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchNetherlands63099 IEO/Spanish Oceanographic InstituteSpain3538 National Laboratory of Energy and GeologyPortugal21241
North Sea Per Discovery ParameterDatasetsPer Discovery ParameterDatasets Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column81146Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in sediment samples1211 Salinity of the water column65235 Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in suspended particulate material1051 Temperature of the water column64564Pesticide concentrations in sediment947 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column50449Particulate metal concentrations in the water column946 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column44290Pesticide concentrations in biota927 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column38861Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biota864 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column35734Radioactivity in the water column725 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column31308Concentration of other organic contaminants in suspended particulate material636 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column28512Total metal concentrations in water bodies634 Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column21286Organometallic species concentration parameters in sediments502 Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column18152Nitrogen concentrations in sediment484 Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column15384Carotenoid pigment concentrations in the water column473 Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column12023Unclassified pigment concentrations in the water column473 Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column11187Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water column445 Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column9581Pesticide concentrations in water bodies426 Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column8027Urea concentration parameters in the water column408 Secchi disk depth5655Sediment water content, porosity and surface area367 Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column5560Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the water column329 Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument output5261Terrestrial detritus in the water column suspended particulate material322 Raw oxygen sensor output5151Acoustic backscatter in the water column281 Raw fluorometer output5149Moored instrument depth277 Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment samples4709Geological sample radioactivity218 Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column4609Concentration of other hydrocarbons in the water column205 Transmittance and attenuance of the water column4449Suspended particulate material aggregates176 Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in the water column4236Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in suspended particulate material163 Nitrogen concentrations in suspended particulate material3752Oxygen production and respiration in the water column136 Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column3727Phaeopigment concentrations in sediment108 Metal concentrations in biota3621Other physical and chemical properties of suspended particulate material105 Carbon concentrations in sediment3524Raw in-situ nutrient analyser output105 Raw light meter output3409Temperature variation in the water column99 Optical backscatter3330Reference numbers95 Sea level3290Organometallic species concentration parameters in biota82 Density of the water column3212Organosulphur species concentration parameters in the water column76 Carbon concentrations in suspended particulate material3159Concentration of other organic contaminants in biota59 Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column2987Lithology57 Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column2640Metadata parameters50 Vertical spatial coordinates2524Shellfish morphology, age and physiology50 Electrical conductivity of the water column2155Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters50 Concentration of other organic contaminants in sediment samples1729Fish morphology, age and physiology43 Concentration of other organic contaminants in the water column1616Concentration of organic matter in sediments30 Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks1274Bacteria generic abundance in water bodies13 Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output1257Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies8 Sediment grain size parameters1245Air temperature2
Atlantic Sea: Bay of Biscay Per CDI PartnerCountry Edmo_co de CDI PartnerDatasets IEO/Spanish Oceanographic InstituteSpain3532895 IFREMER / IDM/SISMERFrance4862115 BRGM / Office of Geological and Mining ResourcesFrance1022180 All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI- WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC)Russian Federation68134 British Oceanographic Data CentreUnited Kingdom4313 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)Denmark7302
Atlantic Sea: Bay of Biscay Per Discovery ParameterDatasetsPer Discovery ParameterDatasets Vertical spatial coordinates5009Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column268 Salinity of the water column3399Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies260 Temperature of the water column3289Bacteria generic abundance in water bodies244 Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column3204Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks182 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column2391Primary production in the water column180 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column2339Lithology177 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column2265Sediment grain size parameters176 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column2226 Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column120 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column1978 Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere98 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column1942Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column83 Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column1509 Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output39 Raw fluorometer output1377Moored instrument depth34 Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column674 Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column12 Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column672Density of the water column9 Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column452Electrical conductivity of the water column5 Transmittance and attenuance of the water column340Carbon concentrations in sediment1 Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column302Date and time1 Urea concentration parameters in the water column273Horizontal spatial co-ordinates1 Mineralogical composition1
Atlantic Sea: Macaronesia and Atlantic coast Per CDI PartnerCountryEdmo_code CDI PartnerDatasets All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC)Russian Federation6814186 IEO/Spanish Oceanographic InstituteSpain3533989 IFREMER / IDM/SISMERFrance4862613 British Oceanographic Data CentreUnited Kingdom431316 National Laboratory of Energy and GeologyPortugal2124911 NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchNetherlands630374 BRGM / Office of Geological and Mining ResourcesFrance1022166 PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental ScienceGermany323444 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)Denmark73031
Atlantic Sea: Macaronesia and Atlantic coast Per Discovery ParameterDatasetsPer Discovery ParameterDatasets Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column10614Electrical conductivity of the water column258 Salinity of the water column10521Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column242 Temperature of the water column10364Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column235 Vertical spatial coordinates6619Raw light meter output167 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column6129Unspecified150 Moored instrument depth4186Sediment grain size parameters133 Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column3416Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column119 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column3209 Concentration of carbohydrates, phenols, alkanols (alcohols), aldehydes and ketones in water bodies87 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column3102Concentration of proteins in the water column87 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column2628Geological sample density78 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column2350Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column77 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column2118Nitrogen concentrations in sediment48 Density of the water column1255Phosphorus concentrations in suspended particulate material48 Transmittance and attenuance of the water column950Sediment water content, porosity and surface area32 Raw fluorometer output943Water body lipid concentrations32 Carbon concentrations in sediment911Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column25 Concentration of organic matter in sediments884Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column21 Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column714Geological sample magnetic, electrical and acoustic properties21 Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks590Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column17 Suspended particulate material grain size parameters582Mineralogical composition17 Primary production in the water column572Concentration of adenlylates in the water column2 Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column463Lithology2 Temperature variation in the water column285Date and time1 Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output283Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)1
EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 2 nd Steering Committee, 20-21 January 2014 SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer Sub-regional seas of Europe, as specified in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD DIKE 5/12/08) Lack of some Regions (Macaronesia) and some discrepancies (Celtic Seas, Kattegat) Waiting for MSFD official boundaries to be used as active selection criterion
The Chemistry Lot Classic Data Products 2 main substets from the available data : Products generation: -Standard Diva Interpolated maps produced for parameters with homogeneous data coverage, measured on basin scale; -Time series plots showing stations distribution linked to plots of measured data for not homogeneous data (coastal points repeated in time, datasets with fragmented coverage.) Not homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins)
The Chemistry Lot Data Products updates New dynamic time series plots thanks to the new architecture under development; New Coastal visualization tools underdevelopment for Data Search and Products viewing interface; A Case Study for an Assessment Tool (Chase) Pilot Area North Sea;
The Chemistry Lot Data Products Products generation workflow: NODCs Data Harvesting Central Buffer Regional Validation QC Buffer Time Series Maps Validation
The Chemistry Lot CDI V3 interface P02 vocab for more detail on parameters discovery SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer Available Upgrades: P02 vocab for more detail on parameters discovery (linked to Disciplines); C19 polygons for Sea Regions selection;
Ongoing activities Data Collection and Metadata compilation (end of February). Regional datasets aggregation (Robot harvester); Regional QA/QC (mid April); Data products generation: DIVA maps (end of April); Regional (internal) validation (end of April); New data products: dynamic time series + new visualization (end of May). Collecting a list of best practices for data quality control (QC) and data quality assurances (QA) on EMODNet Chemical Parameters. Technical upgrade on the vocabularies: factoring P01 code for more flexible handling of parameters description; new P35 vocab for “scientific validated aggregation” of homogeneous parameters.
Ongoing activities Waiting for MSFD Sea Areas official boundaries for data harvesting and product generation, data discovery and reporting. At month 12: Plenary Meeting (17-18/6/2014, Split, Croatia) Expert Workshop (19/6/2014, Split, Croatia) engaging MSFD experts, representatives of the RSCs, EEA, DG-MARE… to evaluate the products quality and usefulness, to review the results of the first year, gaps and next steps.
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