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Unit name: Make a presentation Unit code: BSBCMM401A Student’s name: Xinyang Yu Student ID: C62253.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit name: Make a presentation Unit code: BSBCMM401A Student’s name: Xinyang Yu Student ID: C62253."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit name: Make a presentation Unit code: BSBCMM401A Student’s name: Xinyang Yu Student ID: C62253

2 + Communication: + Importance of communication + 4 ways to improve communication skills + Negotiation: + 5 Ways To Negotiate More Effectively + Selling skills: + 5 Selling Skills

3 + Communication is extremely important within a business and is what every good business should be built upon.

4 + Communication makes a business grow and develop, it gives a company the chance to inform, educate or instruct.


6 + 1. Talk less, hear more. + We want to be heard and listened to but we don't always concentrate on listening to others. We focus more on our agenda than on the other person’s concerns or issues. + 2. Don’t shot the messenger. + we often pass judgment on the speaker and disregard the message. Concentrate on the message not the messenger.

7 + 3. Avoid mind reading. + Before assuming the other knows what you want, first inform and then ask for feedback. + 4. Stop pushing. + look for areas of mutual agreement. Then work from there to create a greater outcome.

8 + Negotiation is usually considered as a compromise to settle an argument or issue to benefit ourselves as much as possible.


10 + 1 Learn to flinch. + A flinch is a visible reaction to an offer or price. + 2 Recognize that people often ask for more than they expect to get. + This means you need to resist the temptation to automatically reduce your price or offer a discount.

11 + 3 The person with the most information usually does better. + This is a particularly important negotiation tactic for sales people. + 4 Practice at every opportunity. + Develop this confidence by negotiating more frequently.

12 + 5 Maintain your walk away power. + It is better to walk away from a sale rather than make too large a concession or give a deep discount your product or service.

13 + Effective Selling Skills That Win Sales

14 + Managing the Buyer/Seller Relationship + sellers must manage the sales process so it is in sync with the buyer's process. + Sales Call Planning + Results improve dramatically when salespeople stop winging it and learn to use a consistent, proven sales call planning process.

15 + Sales Questioning Skills + Knowing how to ask the Best Sales Questions at every stage of the sales cycle. + Sales Presentation Skills + Action Selling shows sales people how to present powerful Company and Product solutions that customers love.

16 + Gaining Commitment + No sales call is successful unless the customer commits to take some action that will move the sales process forward.


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