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A Future in Jeopardy Polar Bears in a Warming World:

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2 A Future in Jeopardy Polar Bears in a Warming World:

3 The polar bear is the iconic symbol of the Arctic. Its Latin name is Ursus maritimus, which means sea bear.

4 Polar bears live in the circumpolar north in the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway. Approximately 2/3 of the world’s polar bears are thought to occur Canada.

5 Polar bears are perfectly adapted for life in the Arctic. They’re able to survive in a harsh environment where temperatures can plunge to -60.

6 Polar bears are most at home on the sea-ice surface.

7 They use ice for … Locating mates Breeding Hunting seals Maternal dens (sometimes) Caring for their young

8 Polar bears feed almost exclusively on ringed and bearded seals which they catch from the sea-ice surface.

9 Scientists have identified 19 subpopulations of polar bears throughout the Arctic. The bears are not evenly distributed. Instead, they’re found where the sea ice is most productive for hunting seals.

10 The sea ice is a dynamic system that is subject to the influences of temperature, currents, and wind. This shifting environment provides opportunities to hunt seals, but it’s also a dangerous place where accidents can occur – even for a polar bear.

11 Wild polar bears are the most mobile of non-aquatic mammals. As with other species, scientists have used radio telemetry to follow their movements in order to gather information that could be used to more effectively manage them.

12 If polar bears are so perfectly adapted to the Arctic, why is their future in jeopardy?

13 Quite simply: Their habitat is in danger.

14 Changes to the polar bear’s sea-ice habitat due to global warming are the single biggest threat to the bears. The rapid arctic warming is caused by a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

15 Ignatious Rigor, Univ. Washington.

16 What do habitat changes mean for polar bears? Reduced access to prey Drop in body condition Lower cub survival rates Drowning Cannibalism Loss of access to denning areas Declining population size

17 Why is this happening? For the last million years, the Earth’s CO 2 levels and the global mean temperature held fairly steady. Since the industrial age, however, rising GHG levels have caused a steadily rising global mean temperature.

18 According to the 2009 status report for the 19 subpopulations* of polar bears: 8 are declining 3 are stable 1 is increasing By comparison, in 2005: 5 were declining 5 were stable 2 were increasing *Insufficient data to determine the fate of the other 7 populations The warming climate is having an affect on polar bears

19 In a 2007 report, scientists predicted we could lose two-thirds of the world’s polar bears by the middle of the century if current warming trends continue.

20 The media read this and declared: Polar bears are doomed and this is irreversible!

21 This future, however, is not unavoidable.

22 Reason for hope…

23 What can you do to help?

24 Two things… Individual actions can make a difference. You can make individual actions multiply when you inspire others to join your activity. We must understand the carbon cost of doing business —and corporations, industry, and governments must embark on initiatives that will solve this problem.

25 Here are some things you can do: Recycle Turn off lights Set up a no idle zone at school Use reusable bags Walk or bicycle Plant trees Grow your own vegetables Drink water from a reusable container Be a conservationist Every little bit can make a difference.

26 Here are some things you can do: Have an energy audit of your home Be a smart consumer Replace old appliances with Energy Star Combine errands or carpool to drive less Weather-proof your home Turn your thermostat up 2 degrees in summer and down 2 degrees in winter Limit the time your vehicle idles Every little bit can make a difference.

27 On behalf of polar bears everywhere, PBI thanks you! © POLAR BEARS INTERNATIONAL Photos: © Daniel J. Cox / © R & C Buchanan © 2010 Polar Bears International. All Rights Reserved. Marks and text appearing in this presentation including, but not limited to, the Polar Bears International name, logo, and programs are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Polar Bears International.

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