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1 FMIPv6 on Point-to-Point Link Frank Xia Behcet Sarikaya March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FMIPv6 on Point-to-Point Link Frank Xia Behcet Sarikaya March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FMIPv6 on Point-to-Point Link Frank Xia Behcet Sarikaya March 2007

2 2 Problem Statement -1 Shared Link All MSs attached to an AR share one or more prefixes for constructing their global IPv6 addresses Point-to-Point Link Each link between an MS and the AR is allocated a separate, unique prefix or a set of unique prefixes by the AR

3 3 Problem Statement - 2 FMIPv6 is based on shared link model MN formulates prospective NCoA using prefixes on the physical interface to which the new access point is attached Previous AR New AR New AP Previous AP MN The prefix of the physical link is used by MN for NCoA

4 4 Problem Statement - 3 Physical prefix can’t be used by MN for formulating NCoA in a Point-to-Point link It is very difficult to formulate NCoA in Point-to-Point link -Prefixes for MN’s NCoA are allocated dynamically -PAR can’t get prefixes from NAR for MN’s formulation of NCoA easily

5 5 Proposed Solution -1 Aggregate Prefix In Point-to-Point Link Model, AR should broadcast the prefixes (MNs route information) dynamically upstream, and this causes high routing protocol traffic ( OSPF, etc.). To solve the problem, route aggregation should be used. For example, each AR can be assigned a /48 prefix, while an MN's /64 prefix is derived from the /48 prefix extension. The main, higher-level prefix is called the Aggregate Prefix. An AR only broadcasts the aggregate prefix Dedicated Prefix The prefix derived from the aggregate prefix and allocated for an MN Provisional NCoA NCoA obtained from the aggregate prefix Modified NCoA NCoA obtained from the dedicated prefix

6 6 In FMIPv6 Predictive Mode Scenario Step 1: PAR advertises Aggregate Prefix to MN in PrRtAdv Step 2: MN formulates a provisional NCoA using Aggregate Prefix Step 3: MN sends FBU to PAR with Provisional NCoA Step 4: PAR sends HI to NAR with Provisonal NCoA Step 5: NAR allocates dedicated prefix to MN generates a new NCoA, and replies with HAck containing the new (modified) NCoA Step 6: The modified NCoA is delivered to MN through PAR, and MN MUST use the modified NCoA Proposed Solution - 2

7 7 What does WG think about the problem? Next Steps

8 8 Thank You. Questions?

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