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Presentation on theme: "Nanotechnology Standards Panel TOPIC TWO SMB STANDARDIZATION STRATEGY (2005 – 2007) AND FINANCIAL PLANNING ASPECTS OF THE REVISED IEC MASTERPLAN. Speakers:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nanotechnology Standards Panel TOPIC TWO SMB STANDARDIZATION STRATEGY (2005 – 2007) AND FINANCIAL PLANNING ASPECTS OF THE REVISED IEC MASTERPLAN. Speakers: Mr. Frank K. Kitzantides IEC Vice President and Chairman, Standardization Management Board and Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, National Electrical Manufacturers Association Mr. James E. Matthews, III USNC Vice President - Finance

2 Nanotechnology Standards Panel SMB STANDARDIZATION STRATEGY  Based on IEC Masterplan 2000  Valid from 2005 to 2007  To be adjusted if necessary with the next edition of the IEC Masterplan  8 strategic objectives

3 Nanotechnology Standards Panel OBJECTIVE 1  Ensure the development of market relevant standards  ACTIONS  Implement global relevance policy  Measure actual use of standards and market penetration  Evaluate relevance of SPSs and all work items

4 Nanotechnology Standards Panel OBJECTIVE 2  Support the promotion of worldwide acceptance and use of IEC standards, whenever possible without modifications  ACTIONS  Review and update IEC Directives  Improve transparency and openess of technical work  Maintain database on IEC standards adoption at national level

5 Nanotechnology Standards Panel OBJECTIVES 3 AND 4  Ensure representation from all industry sectors, and provide leadership for emerging technology standards  ACTION  Support NCs in recruiting experts  Cooperate with PACT  Develop new deliverables

6 Nanotechnology Standards Panel OBJECTIVES 5 AND 6  Reduce the costs for participation in the standards development process and increase collaboration  ACTIONS  Develop common services and resources with peer organizations  Compare « best practices »  Promote ITAs and PASs  Cooperate with other SDOs ( dual logo )

7 Nanotechnology Standards Panel OBJECTIVES 7 AND 8  Improve and broaden the system approach, improve operational effectiveness  ACTIONS  Develop training material  Shorten time through use of IT tools  Improve communications

8 Nanotechnology Standards Panel Financial Implications – IEC Masterplan  Currently A Draft Until September 2006  Market Relevance  Strengthening IEC Participation. Processes and Relevance, All Strengthen its Finances As Well  Global reach  Rationalize dues for smaller and developing countries  Innovate and Add Value  Invest in Future Projects and Services  Provide expanded and value added service to industry  Sustain and Improve  Enhance cooperation with ISO and ITU on Processes and Efficiency  Re-investing some revenues from the Commission’s conformity assessment activities in the standards development process.  Maintain the delicate balance of sales/royalty revenues between the Central Office and National Committees.

9 Nanotechnology Standards Panel USNC Strategy: 8 Key Areas 1.Provide Leadership In IEC Management Activities 2.Guide And Influence The Structural And Market Positioning Of The IEC In Global Markets Consistent With US Electrotechnical Positions 3.Grow USNC Membership Through Improvement In Outreach, Participation And Diversity Of The Organization 4.Increase Regional Effectiveness Of The USNC And IEC Membership 5.Develop Comprehensive Standards Strategy 6.Develop Comprehensive Conformity Assessment Strategy 7.Ensure A Sound Financial Base For USNC Operations 8.Provide Effective Communications Process For USNC Constituents

10 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (1) Provide Leadership in IEC Management Areas 1.Elect North American Candidate for IEC President 2.Re-Elect US Candidate for IEC Vice President (SMB) or elect US candidate for Treasurer or CAB Chairman 3.Maintain and increase the number of US held chairs and secretariats 4. Broaden US Participation in PACT 5.Leverage Seat on Council Board 6.Leverage Seat on SMB 7.Leverage Seat on IEC Finance Committee 8.Meet Directly With IEC Officers 9.Select / Support preferred candidates for Council Board, SMB and CAB 10.Meet with other NC’s to discuss and share vision of IEC 11.Improve Cooperation With European NC’s 12.Address USNC Effectiveness in ANSI Governance Structure

11 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (2) Guide And Influence The Structural And Market Positioning Of The IEC In Global Markets Consistent With US Electrotechnical Positions 1.IEC Masterplan Positioning 2.IEC-ISO Positioning 3.IEC-ITU Positioning 4.IEC WTO Positioning 5.Dual Logo / Partnerships 6.IEC Brand / Label / Mark

12 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (3) Grow USNC Membership Through Improvement In Outreach, Participation And Diversity Of The Organization 1.Identify Target Market For USNC and IEC Participation 2.Identify Integrated Set of Membership Messages for all prospective participants in IEC /USNC 3.Determine Propositions for USNC Participation 4.Promote Membership In USNC

13 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (4) Increase Regional Effectiveness of the USNC & the IEC Membership 1.Define USNC Participation in ANSI / RSC Delegations 2.Develop and implement PASC Strategy, Including Focus on China 3.Continue / Expand Annual Multi- National Meetings 4.Develop USNC / CANENA Strategy 5.Implement ANSI USNC / COPANT Strategy 6.Implement USNC Europe Strategy 7.Hosting of IEC Meetings 8.Define working relationship between ICSCA and USNC

14 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (5) Develop Comprehensive Standards Strategy 1.Support IEC implementation and USNC Training of the IEC Global Relevance Policy 2.Define USNC Long Range Goals on Global Relevance and “In Some Countries” Clause 3.Develop/Define USNC Policy on One International Standard or One per Sector 4.Define Sector Specific Strategies Including Sector Definitions, Sector Boards, Single or Multiple International Standards and Sector Support for TCs with USNC “N” Membership 5.Define USNC Strategy for WTO/TBT Principles and Their Application to Standards for Each Sector’s Area 6.Determine the impact of IEC Standards on World Trade 7.Develop Plan to Encourage Adoption Harmonization With IEC Standards- Promote Participation 8.Implement SMB Strategic Plan

15 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (6) Develop Comprehensive Conformity Assessment Strategy 1.Promote IEC CA Schemes, Using Industry and Trade Assoc. Members 2.Define / Enhance Liaisons To USTR 3.Develop Strategy to Implement ANSI Conformity Assessment Principles for the United States 4.Develop Plan to Encourage Adoption Harmonization With IEC Stds.-Promote Participation 5.Define and Improve USNC Linkage to IECEE 6.Define and Improve USNC Linkage to IECEX 7.Define and Improve USNC Linkage to IECQ 8.Develop Strategy to Support Private Sector Agreements Between CA Bodies On Unregulated Products 9.Develop & Promote Policy Opposing Gov't to Gov't MRS'

16 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (7) Ensure a Sound Financial Base for USNC Operations 1.Maintain a 5 Year USNC Funding Plan 2.Member Recruitment and Retention 3.Sales Policy Plan 4.National Adoption Plan 5.IEC 2010 General Meeting 6.USNC Membership Billing and Invoicing 7.Exchange Rate (Swiss Franc) 8.IEC Financial Soundness

17 Nanotechnology Standards Panel (8) Effective Communications Process for USNC Constituents  Develop a Training program for USNC Constituency that Addresses Delivery Alternatives, Costs, Content and Audience  Define Process and Vehicles to Disseminate Information to USNC Constituency about the IEC & The USNC  Define Processes for USNC, It's Officers, USNC Council & USNC TMC to Obtain Continuous Feedback From Its Constituency  Communications Committee to Define a Specific Comm. Program for the USNC, & Prioritize Opportunities In This Area

18 Nanotechnology Standards Panel USNC Strategy – Where To?  Need to Update The Strategy  Cross off those things accomplished  Add new things needed  Align to Updated US Standards Strategy  Align to IEC Masterplan  Each Element Volunteer Led  Teams Open For Participation


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