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Teensy Tuesday, Witchcraft “crucible” defined Discussion Homework: finish reading Act 3 Webquest due tomorrow.

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1 Teensy Tuesday, Witchcraft “crucible” defined Discussion Homework: finish reading Act 3 Webquest due tomorrow

2 Crucible (n):  1.A vessel made of a hard to melt substance such as graphite or porcelain, used for melting materials at high temperatures, sending the “good ore” to the top.  2.A severe test, as of patience or belief; a trial.  3.A place, time, or situation characterized by the confluence of powerful intellectual, social, economic, or political forces

3 Another Consideration:  dictionary definition of the term as a "pot" that through the process of "refraction," through intense heat, sends the "good" ore to the top;  connotatively, a severe trial or test. Based on this definition, those who endure the "heat" of rigid Puritanism, to keep their integrity intact, are metaphorically the "pure" ore.

4 Puritans Extreme Protestant Christians Everyone Educated  Must Be Able to Read the Bible Plain Dress Belief in Evil  Devil  Witches  Possession Original Sin Predestination

5 2 Salems Salem Village and Salem Proper 1 town  Serves 2 purposes  Feels like 2 towns Salem Village  Merchants and their stores, their houses and wealthier farmers Salem Proper  Majority of farmers and sea trade Towns separated after trials

6 Greed and Land Laws The best farmable land was owned at this point If someone wanted more land, they had to buy it Many land disputes between those who owned large farms and their neighbors A convicted witch forfeits their land and the town sells it to the highest bidder The children of a convicted witch cannot inherit the witch’s land or goods

7 Puritan Women and Their Role Educated  But only to read the Bible and teach their children Land and Business Ownership  Legal  Can inherit, buy, and sell on their own, if there is no controlling male figure Mother  Raise sons to be future leaders  Raise daughters to be future wives and mothers Wife  Helpmate to husband, who is the head of the household

8 Reality of Life in Early America Many single women without a male head of household  Came on their own  Widows  Orphans Results  Powerful women owning property, land and businesses Fears  No one controlling women  society in trouble  Unmarried women will tempt married men

9 Tainted Food or Water 1 town well, everyone in town uses it  if it’s bad, people will get sick Rye: main ingredient in cereal and bread  Tainted rye is hard to identify  Ergot is a fungus that can form on rye while it’s still in the field  Ergot (which can stay in the body for awhile) in large enough quantities can cause convulsive ergotism: Seizures—Vomiting Skin illnesses—Coma-like state Hallucinations  Ergot is now used in the production of LSD

10 Effects of Tainted Food or Water Would first be seen in;  The young  The elderly Continued, prolonged exposure can cause madness and permanent brain damage

11 Mass Hysteria/Collective Hysteria One person experiences a symptom or exhibits a behavior  Scratching —Pain—Hunger  Yawning —Fear—Seizures  Vomiting—Assorted Emotions Group witnesses symptoms or behavior Members of the group unconsciously mimic, repeat, or take on the behavior Eventually, the majority of the group begins to experience it

12 Examples of Mass Hysteria Food poisoning scares Yawning—1 person who is tired yawns, those around that person start yawning, others feel tired

13 Witchcraft in the 1600s and 1700s How to Identify Witches Usually female Have sold their souls and received $, love, or power in return May have a black mark/devil’s thumb print on their body May confess to signing the devil’s black book Often have a familiar— animal companion who they talk to Won’t attend church Will often mutter spells under their breath Wills destroy neighbors crops/gardens or kill livestock May look unkempt or messy Will spend an unusual amount of time in the woods or out at night Might live alone and avoid the company of good Christians

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