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© copyright 2014 Semantic Insights™ “A New Natural Language Understanding Technology for Research of Large Information Corpora." By Chuck Rehberg, CTO.

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Presentation on theme: "© copyright 2014 Semantic Insights™ “A New Natural Language Understanding Technology for Research of Large Information Corpora." By Chuck Rehberg, CTO."— Presentation transcript:

1 © copyright 2014 Semantic Insights™ “A New Natural Language Understanding Technology for Research of Large Information Corpora." By Chuck Rehberg, CTO Semantic Insights™ a Division of Trigent Software, Inc. 04 August 2014

2 Two Roads… “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost Road 1: What can we do with what we have? Road 2: What is required to solve it properly in the first place?

3 Large Corpora are everywhere and growing The Internet –Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, estimated the size of the internet at roughly 5 Million Terabytes of data. Schmidt further noted that in its [first] seven years of operations, Google has indexed roughly 200 terabytes of that, or.004% of the total size. -widely cited The Library of Congress –“…the size of the Library of Congress print collections is 208 terabytes.” - libraries-of-congress-of-data/ libraries-of-congress-of-data/ Medline (NIH) –“The database contains more than 21.6 million records from 5,639 selected publications covering biomedicine and health from 1950 to the present.” - NSF –Number of proposals received per year went from 55,400 in 2010 to [estimated] 60,000 in 2012. - Twitter –“Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year.” - How do we make this information immediately computable?

4 Road 1: What can we do with what we have? Keyword search –“As the Web gets increasingly large and complex, keyword search becomes less effective as a means for making sense of it. In fact, it will even decline in productivity in the future. Natural language search will be a bit better than keyword search, but ultimately won’t solve the problem either — because like keyword search it cannot really see or make use of the structure of information.” - beyond-keyword-and-natural-language-search beyond-keyword-and-natural-language-search –Requires pre-indexing the corpus (index is fixed as long as document doesn't change) Semantic Tagging (a method by which computers can categorize the content) –“Different individuals create substantially different conceptualisations of tagging data and tagging activities despite the fact that their purposes are similar.” - –Requires pre-indexing the corpus (subject to change when the folksonomy/ontology changes) Semantic Indexing - e.g. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSA) –“…(LSA) is a theory and method for extracting and representing the contextual-usage meaning of words by statistical computations applied to a large corpus of text.” - –“LSA cannot capture polysemy (i.e., multiple meanings of a word). Each occurrence of a word is treated as having the same meaning due to the word being represented as a single point in space. For example, the occurrence of "chair" in a document containing "The Chair of the Board" and in a separate document containing "the chair maker" are considered the same.” - –Requires pre-indexing the corpus (index is fixed as long as document doesn't change)

5 A closer look at the Problem 1.Since we often cannot know the true intent of the author, the available “meaning” of a text is ascribed by the reader and is not inherent in the text. –Different readers can legitimately hold that a given text means different things 2.The desired “Information of Interest” specified in any research investigation may vary based on the needs and POV of the Reader. For example: a)One reader can be reading for Risks b)Another reader can be reading for Opportunities 3.The meaning of a natural language text can be grammatically ambiguous. 4.The “correct” sense of the terms can be open to interpretation. 5.The information represented can be conflicting 6.As the reader learns more, interpretations can change even when the text does not 7.The rate of addition of documents to a corpus is generally increasing.

6 Road 2: What is needed to solve it properly? Ability to: 1.“Speed read” Natural Language text. 2.Dynamically map Natural Language text to the appropriate/chosen Ontologies 3.Learn from teaching, training and experience Support for: 1.Multiple evolving Ontologies (including POV) 2.Multiple simultaneous meanings 3.Evolving document corpora

7 Road 2: Real-time Document Research for the Masses The first release is here (in Beta Test). –Check out the products currently in Beta Test at Semantic Insights™ Get Involved –Check out the Federal Big Data Working Group, Learn What’s going on –Check out

8 To learn more At Semantic Insights we focus on developing semantics- based information products that produce high-value results serving the needs of general users requiring little or no special training. Visit us at

9 Chuck Rehberg As CTO at Trigent Software and Chief Scientist at Semantic Insights, Chuck Rehberg has developed patented high performance rules engine technology and advanced natural language processing technologies that empower a new generation of semantic research solutions. Chuck has more than thirty years in the high-tech industry, developing leading-edge solutions in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Technologies, analysis and large –scale configuration software. 9

10 © copyright 2014 Semantic Insights™

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