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The Silent Cry Dr. Pushpa Nusair Assist. Professor

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Presentation on theme: "The Silent Cry Dr. Pushpa Nusair Assist. Professor"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Silent Cry Dr. Pushpa Nusair Assist. Professor
Obstetric and Gynecology Department of Medical Sciences College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences Fiji National University

2 Outline A case study : An unbooked mother
Audit of unbooked mothers at CWM hospital (maternity Unit) from 2010 to June, 2013

3 Introduction Global statistics Developing countries studies
Local: None located

4 Case Study

5 Case study Name: MS Age: 32 years (December, 1979) Ethnicity: iTaukei
Marital Status: Single Gravida 2, Para 1 Social background: living with parents/disabled mother

6 Case Study Had a previous cesarean delivery in May, 2011
Presented on 26/12/12 at 00:35 hours Delivered to a very foul smelling fetus (birth weight : 3.2 kg), and placenta infarcted 400g Denied sexual intercourse Refused to acknowledge her pregnancy

7 Case Study All bloods including coagulation and blood cultures
Broad spectrum antibiotics Awaiting coagulation profile Collapsed midday informed by nurse Active resuscitation ABC Anesthetic and medical informed

8 Case Study D.I.C Intensive care unit jointly managed by obstetrics, anesthetics and medical Massive blood transfusion, FFP and Cryo Multi-organ failure and irreversible D.I.C Despite all measures, patient DIED on 26/12/12 at 11.30pm


10 Methods Descriptive audit Yearly stats: 2010 - June, 2013
Monthly stats : 2012 (Oct - Dec) 2013 (Jan – June)

11 Methods Characteristics of unbooked mothers: Age Ethnicity
Marital status Gravida Parity Gestation Mode of delivery

12 Results Percentage of unbooked mothers at CWM Hospital, Suva, Fiji %

13 Results Percentage of unbooked mothers by ethnicity %

14 Results Percentage of unbooked mothers by ethnicity and month %

15 Unbooked mother for Oct-Dec 2012 by age groups

16 Marital Status of unbooked mothers between Oct-Dec 2012

17 Gravidity at Parity of unbooked mothers from Oct-Dec 2012

18 Conclusion How do we hear the silent cry?
What can we do for these women?

19 Thank You!

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