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CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20051 AP summary Corot Be star group GEPI, Meudon: Hubert, Floquet, Martayan, Frémat, Neiner Univ. Valencia: Fabregat, Gutiérrez-Soto,

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Presentation on theme: "CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20051 AP summary Corot Be star group GEPI, Meudon: Hubert, Floquet, Martayan, Frémat, Neiner Univ. Valencia: Fabregat, Gutiérrez-Soto,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20051 AP summary Corot Be star group GEPI, Meudon: Hubert, Floquet, Martayan, Frémat, Neiner Univ. Valencia: Fabregat, Gutiérrez-Soto, Suso Brazil: Janot-Pacheco, Andrade, Daflon in collaboration with the B stars group (Aerts et al.)

2 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20052 Search for faint Be stars in the exoplanet fields - Spectroscopy with the VLT/Giraffe - Hα and R photometry with the WFI/INT + Stromgren photometry - IR photometry with IRAC/Spitzer  Program accepted for AO1

3 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20053 Spectroscopy with Giraffe Hubert et al. - with VLT/Giraffe multifiber spectrograph - parts of first anticenter long run field - study B stars to detect emission in Hα  2 faint Be stars detected...  see CW8 (Hubert et al.)

4 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20054 Optical photometry with the INT Fabregat et al. - with WFI/INT (La Palma) with Hα and Sloan R filters  detect emission line stars - whole exoplanet field of the first long run towards the galactic center done in August 2005 (8 pointings * 4 CCDs) - more observations in December 2005 for the exoplanet field of the first long run toward the galactic anticenter

5 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20055 Figure shows 1/32 of the whole field (1917 stars with R<16.5)  we expect to detect ~300 emission line stars in the whole field

6 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20056 - Stromgren photometry of the whole field already obtained, but not yet reduced - allows to perform a photometric spectral classification of the detected emission line stars  detect Be stars (~30 for center field) among emission line stars Stromgren photometry Fabregat et al. Diagram without reddening [m1]-[c1]

7 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20057 IR photometry with Spitzer Neiner et al. - photometry in 4 IR bands with Spitzer/IRAC - half of first anticenter field observed in 2004 - ~30000 stars detected and identified in each band - cross-correlation with 2MASS, DENIS and Corotsky - analysis of SEDs to find OB stars with IR excess  detection of 10 Be stars (in anticenter field)

8 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20058 Typical Be star SED Possible Be star observed with Spitzer Spitzer colors IR excess B Be 2MASS Black-body B

9 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 20059 Anticenter field: - 2 Be stars with Giraffe - 10 Be stars with Spitzer - 4 Be stars with Calar Alto (see Fabregat et al., CW5) - a few Be stars with the INT (to be observed in 2 weeks...) Center field: - ~30 Be stars in the center field with the INT Faint Be stars discovered for Corot

10 CW9, ESTEC, Dec 200510 Program accepted for AO1 collaboration Be stars group and B stars group Observed all faint Be stars (~40) + some B stars (~250) in the center and anticenter fields  Search for signatures of rotational modulation and pulsations  Perform seismic modelling of the stellar interior structure  Statistical study to fine-tune the excitation mechanism in B stars and calibrate evolutionary models  Study occurence of Be phenomenon and relation with pulsations, magnetic field, rotation  Link between Be outbursts and pulsation beating

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