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Internal Structure 1.The needs of a well-functioning state a)Clearly bounded territory served by an adequate infrastructure b)Effective administrative.

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Presentation on theme: "Internal Structure 1.The needs of a well-functioning state a)Clearly bounded territory served by an adequate infrastructure b)Effective administrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internal Structure 1.The needs of a well-functioning state a)Clearly bounded territory served by an adequate infrastructure b)Effective administrative framework, a productive core area, and a prominent capital 2.All states confront divisive forces

2 Forms of Government Unitary – highly centralized government where the capital city serves as a focus of power. Confederal system – spreads the power among many sub-units and has a weak central government Federal – a government where the state is organized into territories; divides the power between the central government and the sub- units.

3 Unitary Systems Federal Systems Confederal Systems More centralized Less centralized

4 Unitary and Federal Systems 1.Early European nation-states were unitary states: a)Governments were highly centralized and powerful b)Capital cities represented authority that stretched to the limits of the state

5 Unitary and Federal Systems 2.The federal state arose in the New World a)Newness of the culture, and emergence of regionalism due to the vast size of territories b)Conditions did not lend themselves to unitary systems of government c)Lack of a clear core area and the vastness of national territory

6 Nigeria’s Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine whether to have Shari’a Laws Shari’a Laws Legal systems based on traditional Islamic laws

7 Minnesota’s concealed weapons law requires the posting of signs such as this on buildings that do not allow concealed weapons. The U.S. Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine “moral” laws such as death penalty, access to alcohol, and concealed weapons.

8 Forces of Fragmentation and Cohesion: Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces

9 Centripetal Forces Promoting State Cohesion Nationalism Unifying Institutions Organization and Administration Transportation and Communication Supranationalism

10 Centrifugal Forces Challenges to State Authority Nationalism Devolution, Regionalism Peripheral Location Social and Economic Inequality

11 Devolution – Movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state. What causes devolutionary movements? Ethnocultural forces Economic forces Spatial forces

12 Ethnocultural Devolutionary Movements (ethnonationalism) Eastern Europe devolutionary forces since the fall of communism

13 Economic Devolutionary Movements Catalonia, Spain Barcelona is the center of banking and commerce in Spain and the region is much wealthier than the rest of Spain.

14 Spatial Devolutionary Movements Puerto Rico A history apart from the United States, and a desire to live apart in order to keep traditions alive has led to decline statehood

15 Electoral Geography 1.Electoral geographers a)Study spatial configuration of electoral districts b)Voting patterns c)Influence of voting patterns on social and political affairs

16 Electoral Geography Gerrymandering - redrawing of voting districts in such a way as to give one political party maximum political advantage Creating of majority-minority districts the norm, BUT FL-3 is a “minority-majority”

17 Gerrymandering Stacked: drawing circuitous boundaries to enclose pockets of strength or weakness Excess vote: concentrates the votes of the opposition in a few districts which they can win easily, but leaves them few potential seats elsewhere Wasted vote: diffuses opposition’s vote

18 FL-3 is a federally mandated “minority-majority” district gerrymandered to give black voters a voice: gerrymandered to give black voters a voice

19 Supranational Organizations A separate entity composed of three or more states that forge an association and form an administrative structure for mutual benefit in pursuit of shared goals. * How many supranational organizations exist in the world today? At least 60

20 United Nations Background: League of Nations – 1919, idea of Woodrow Wilson but… Basics: – Cooperate with internationally approved standards – 191 members – Aid: refugees, poverty, troops, human rights

21 Global Scale – The United Nations

22 Regional Scale - Europe Benelux: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemberg Marshall Plan: US aid to Western European Courntries Organization of European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) to European Economic Community (EEC) to European Community (EC) to European Union (EU)

23 Regional Scale - Europe European Union: domestic, military, and certain sovereign policies that govern all members – 12 European Community (EC) members established the EU – 1992 – Euro introduced in 2002 Germany, France, UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Denmark and Ireland

24 Regional Scale – The European Union

25 Supranationalism Elsewhere… NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement ACS – Association of Caribbean States APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CIS – Commonwealth of Impendent States Treaties to reduce tariffs and facilitate trade None like the European Union

26 Capitals Typically are centrally located to allow for equal access Many capitals have become distant to many areas due to growth: Washington D.C. Some capitals have been relocated to make the more accessible

27 Capitals Usually located in the core area and frequently the focus of it Capital cities are also frequently the largest or the Primate City Primate City: dominates the economic structure of the entire country

28 Forward-Thrust capital City Deliberately sited in a state’s interior Brazil relocated its capital from Rio de Janeiro to a new city called Brasilia Nigeria – Abuja Kazakhstan – Astana

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