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Resistance Skills Miss Hopkins. Warm-up Question Read the paragraph and answer the question quietly to yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "Resistance Skills Miss Hopkins. Warm-up Question Read the paragraph and answer the question quietly to yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistance Skills Miss Hopkins

2 Warm-up Question Read the paragraph and answer the question quietly to yourself.

3 Peer Pressure The effort other teens make to influence you How? Negative peer pressure - influences to do anything that is unhealthy, unsafe, or illegal List 3 examples.

4 Peer Pressure Positive peer pressure - influences to do an activity that is healthy, safe, and legal List 3 examples.

5 Resistance Skills Skills that help you say NO to an action or to leave a situation Assertive behaviors - getting needs met without threatening others List 1 example.

6 Resistance Skills Use nonverbal behavior that matches verbal behaviors List 1 example. Other situations? Avoid being in situations in which there will be pressure to make harmful decisions List characteristic of a friend.

7 Resistance Skills Resist pressure to engage in illegal behavior List 1 negative effect of having a police record. Name 1 adult who can help you in a dangerous situation.

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