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BeachViews: Strategies for Facilitating Whole Class Discussion With Dr. Stacy Young, CLA Faculty Development Fellow Agenda: Introductions Suggestions 10.

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Presentation on theme: "BeachViews: Strategies for Facilitating Whole Class Discussion With Dr. Stacy Young, CLA Faculty Development Fellow Agenda: Introductions Suggestions 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 BeachViews: Strategies for Facilitating Whole Class Discussion With Dr. Stacy Young, CLA Faculty Development Fellow Agenda: Introductions Suggestions 10 take home tips Questions and Conversation

2 Introductions  Welcome  About you  About me  Instructional background  Scholarly area of expertise  Teaching philosophy  Today’s game plan

3 Suggestions  1) Alert students to your participation expectations  And co-create guidelines with them  2) Create a positive, supportive classroom climate  Learn students’ names  Handle inappropriate contributions swiftly but delicately  No bad questions

4 Suggestions  3) Pay attention to response patterns in your class and adjust accordingly  Small vs. large classes  Upper- vs. lower- division classes  4) Be mindful of question phrasing  Start easy  Use opinion or example based questions often  Use open-ended question phrasing and question probing

5 Suggestions  5) Increase your wait time  10 seconds minimum  Research = +3 seconds matters  6) Use teamwork (in and out of class)  Debates  Fishbowls  Small group discussion  Personalized performance feedback

6 Suggestions  7) Create opportunities for reticent students  The question of the day (go-around)  Prep time to respond  8) Engage in positive reinforcement  Show appreciation for student contributions (before and after)  9) Provide synthesis and closure

7 Suggestions  10) Be mindful of your nonverbal behavior  Research = Smiling matters  Research = Immediacy matters

8 Questions And Conversation

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