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Ainsley Shann Clinical Nurse Specialist Hutt Valley DHB Continence Promotion in the Community: a Pilot, 8 Feb 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Ainsley Shann Clinical Nurse Specialist Hutt Valley DHB Continence Promotion in the Community: a Pilot, 8 Feb 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ainsley Shann Clinical Nurse Specialist Hutt Valley DHB Continence Promotion in the Community: a Pilot, 8 Feb 2012

2 Background Continence promotion is part of the CNS role It is incorporated into daily practice with patients & their carers/whanau The CNS accepts speaking engagements but does not actively look for them (other than required education provision within the DHB) due to time constraints There is a gap in the literature on continence promotion in the community (ICS, Committee 21, 2009) Current continence promotion to the public is mostly via the media or internet by government or national continence organisations (ICS 2009). Products eg pads are advertised widely

3 Goals of Continence Promotion To raise awareness of continence problems (particularly in light of ageing population & expected rise in prevalence) To provide information on self-help prevention & treatments & get the message out that 70% of people can improve To provide information on appropriate containment products To provide information on when & how to access further help

4 Question: Would Members of the Public Attend an Open Meeting? Permission obtained from management to trial a pilot Central venue in Upper Hutt located (Salvation Army Hall) with good access, close to public transport, easy parking Date selected Advertisement placed in local newspaper & GP surgeries A variety of pamphlets ordered from NZCA 40 minute talk prepared Display items selected (containment products, bed protection)

5 Waterworks problems? Did you know this affects 1 in 3 women & 1 in 8 men? Free talk by qualified continence nurse, Ainsley Shann, HVDHB Come & learn more Salvation Army Hall, 695 Fergusson Drive, 10am Wednesday 8 th February 2012 Parking at rear, disabled access

6 Costs Advertisement: $145.00 for one 10cm x 5cm black & white advertisement in the Public Notices. This was placed prominently at the top of the page. Pamphlets from NZCA: $45.00. (These were over-ordered as it was not known how many people would come, but have been used for other presentations since). Venue: $25.00 for hall hire Total: $215.00

7 Outcome 4 people attended, 1 man & 3 women, all over the age of 70 Good audience participation possible due to the low number Attendees shared own continence problems 1 attendee stated she was there as a caregiver for her husband (he was later followed up by the CNS) 1 woman rang 2 weeks later reporting improvement An invitation to speak to 40-50 women at the Salvation Army women’s group in June 2012

8 Conclusions Costs, time & effort not worth it for the small attendance even though all attendees said the talk was helpful Social stigma thought to be a deterrent for attending a public meeting. All attendees stated they knew others who “should have been there” In future, concentrate on established community groups such as Senior Citizens, 60’s Up, Probus Club, where there is a ready audience who do not identify themselves as having continence problems by their attendance, & there are no advertising costs

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