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What is Public Engagement? Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Public Engagement? Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Public Engagement? Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public. Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit. -The National Co ordinating Centre for Public Engagement

3 Public Engagement at QM

4 The Centre for Public Engagement The Centre is funded by an RCUK Catalyst grant to embed public engagement across the institution We want to: Support staff in their public engagement efforts, sharing advice and expertise across the institution. Find out what engagement activity is happening within QM and share expertise outside of the institution. Provide advice on all aspects of public engagement

5 Who we are Peter McOwan - Vice-Principal for Public Engagement and Student Enterprise Mike Curtis - Director of the Centre for Public Engagement Charlotte Thorley - Executive Officer for Public Engagement Bryony Frost - Public Engagement Officer

6 Why should you do public engagement? It brings significant benefits to both universities and the public Funders and policy makers expect universities and researchers to do it It helps universities adapt to a changing world It makes you a better researcher (and gives you skills to use in the ‘real world’) It is awesome

7 What kind of things can you do?

8 G.Hack

9 The Carnival of Lost Emotions

10 Centre of the Cell

11 What can the CPE do for you?

12 Advice Staff at the Centre can provide advice on a range of subjects - from identifying an appropriate audience for your research to evaluation methods to evidence impact. The Centre lso plays a role in linking people with expertise in the college together Come along to one of our public engagement surgeries if you want to find out more or get specific advice

13 Funding The CPE offers both small and large awards Small awards are for up to £1000, and there is a competition every month. Large awards are for any amount between £1000 and £50,000, and there is an application round every year. Funding can also be added to grant applications, or found through a range of PE-specific awards.

14 Training The CPE and the Centre fro Advancing Professional Development provide training for PhD students in public engagement This will include an overview of successful projects, information on things to get involved with at QM and give you the chance to devise your own activity! 2 nd December– ask Jo for more details

15 Support within QM A team of highly skilled Public Engagement student ambassadors, who can be hired to run events (contact The Events team can advise on a variety of different events, and play a hand in running them (led by George Foden) The Creative Services team offer design services: both print media and online presence (Print: Kelly Burrows. Web: Richard Hurst)

16 Support within QM Mile End Films are based in the Film Studies department, and can provide film services (for a reasonable fee) (contact Athena Mandis) Education Liaison and Widening Participation can offer advice on activities with schools (contact Roisin Hirst (Ed. Liaison) or Anne Setright (WP)) QMUL has a dedicated Press and PR team, who liaise with journalists, write press releases and run QM's social media accounts.

17 Get involved! Your supervisor might already be involved in PE projects – ask them! Your School/Institute might have a member of staff who is dedicated to PE or outreach Each School/Institute has someone to represent PE Contact


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