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Jesus’ Saving Mission Finds Its Fulfillment in His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection.

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1 Jesus’ Saving Mission Finds Its Fulfillment in His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection

2  The Paschal Mystery  Refers to something that happened to Jesus, but we participate as well.  Jesus’ suffering, death, and Resurrection are the most important events of his life.

3  The Last Supper  At the Last Supper, Jesus washes the disciples feet to demonstrate the importance of love as service to one another.

4  The Last Supper  Jesus uses this Passover meal to institute the Eucharist, the Sacrament of his continuing presence in the transformed gifts of bread and wine.

5  The Last Supper  Because the Last Supper is a Passover meal, Jesus identifies himself as the Paschal Lamb, since he will sacrifice himself for forgiveness of sins.

6  The Cross  Originally, the cross was understood as an instrument of torture and execution by the Romans.  Now, it is universally seen as a symbol of Christianity.

7  The Cross  The early Christians began to understand how Jesus’ freely given obedience to the Father’s will frees us from our sins.

8  The Cross  When Jesus dies on the cross, the gospels say that the temple veil was torn in two.  This symbolizes that people will now all have access to the presence of God.

9  The Cross  The sins of Adam and Eve are redeemed by the Cross.

10  Passion & Resurrection Narratives  The story of the Passion and Resurrection appears in all four Gospels.  While each narrative tells a slightly different story, Mary Magdalene is mentioned in all four as going to the tomb in the morning.

11  The Empty Tomb  The women go to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body.  When they arrive, they are informed by an angel that Jesus is risen.

12  The Risen Lord  The Risen Lord who appears to the disciples is a real, physical presence and is living in a new, glorified body.

13  The Risen Lord  John’s Gospel has the story of doubting Thomas, who wanted proof of Jesus’ Resurrection by touching his wounds.

14  The Risen Lord  In another Resurrection story, Jesus appears to the disciples on the beach and eats breakfast with them.

15  The Resurrection  The historical validity of the Resurrection is supported by the following:  All four gospels make reference to it.  Many followers chose to die because of their faith.  The Resurrection caused profound change in believers.

16  The Eucharist  When we celebrate the Eucharist, we commemorate and make present Christ’s sacrifice.

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