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Head of Departments of Mathematics Conference 7 April Boosting the contribution of Mathematics – a Government perspective John Neilson, Director Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Head of Departments of Mathematics Conference 7 April Boosting the contribution of Mathematics – a Government perspective John Neilson, Director Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Head of Departments of Mathematics Conference 7 April Boosting the contribution of Mathematics – a Government perspective John Neilson, Director Research Base Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills

2 What is the Government’s Agenda? Educating the UK population to deliver a vibrant economy in the future UK successfully competing with emerging economies Maximising the contribution of maths to this agenda

3 DIUS Priorities World-class research base Exploit the research base to support innovation Increase participation in Higher Education Raise participation and attainment in post-16 education and learning Tackle the skills gap amongst adults Increase the supply of people with STEM skills

4 Commitment to science 10 year S&I Framework 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Next Steps in S&I Research Funding : Includes Science Budget and QR

5 Science Budget An excellent settlement which allows: –Increased investment in key areas of basic research such as digital technology, health and the environment –Raising the economic impact of the research base –Promoting international collaboration £bn2008/92009/20102010/2011 Science Budget 3.5543.7153.970

6 Main funders now together in DIUS DCMS Higher Education T £5bn, R£2bn FE & Skills £4.5bn Science & Innovation £4bn Technology Strategy £300m DfES DTI

7 What are the key challenges? Maths underpins the research base Mathematical capability key, not just in natural science, engineering but also in other research areas, eg systems biology, quantitative methods in the social sciences Weaknesses in supply

8 HE Maths Research strong UK Maths third in the world for citations 10 % world share - highest for a decade, overtaken by China but ahead of France Both Pure and applied - 8 Depts rated 5* John Thompson 2008 Abel Prize, work on group theory, ‘science of symmetries’

9 Health of Disciplines EPSRC Science and Innovation Awards example Statistics EPSRC doubled number of quantitative methods studentships Workshops bringing together researchers from mathematics and biosciences Developing provision of mathematical biology within BBSRC institutes

10 But problems in supply Use of maths in other research disciplines Need to teach remedial maths to undergraduates in other disciplines Relative decline in take-up of maths at A level as cohort expands Some improvement in performance of maintained sector Lower participation of girls in maths post 16 Recognise some increase in maths at HE level (do we sufficiently understand what underpins this? )

11 A Level Entries 1976 - 2007

12 A/B at GCSE to A Level conversion rates

13 A Level, A/B grades

14 PISA 2006 For mathematics, students achieved a mean score of 495 (OECD mean of 498). Ranked 24th, with 18 countries performing at a significantly higher level. Compared to science where we achieved a mean score of 516 in science, above the OECD mean of 500, placing us 14th with only seven of the 56 other participating countries significantly outperforming England.

15 What more should be done? University Continue to strengthen the UK research base in Maths and further develop its links with users

16 What more should be done? Pre -University Promote Maths curriculum which is sufficiently challenging for the top 25% ability cohort Consider opportunities as diplomas are developed to strengthen Maths component in engineering and social science based diplomas

17 What more should be done? Pre -University Build on the UK annual schools maths competitions – 600,000 already participating Stronger marketing of value of Maths to young people

18 What more should be done? Further research on demand for Maths skills from employers Important agenda requiring cohesive action from all

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