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Christianity briefly Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.2 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus.

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3 Christianity briefly Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.2 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.

4 Christianity Where: – SW Asia, Jerusalem When: – 2000 years ago – Stems from Judaism. Jesus was a Jew, whom Christians claim is the Messiah (Savior) Jesus with Children

5 Important Teachings: 1.Monotheistic 2.Salvation Jesus died on the cross as payment for sin. Resurrected to offer hope of eternal life. 3.Trinity of God God the Father Jesus, son of God Holy Spirit Holy Book: The Bible – Old Testament – New Testament Christianity The Stoning of Stephen

6 Christianity The early Hebrews who eventually developed into the Jewish religion became the foundation of Christianity. Jesus, or the Messiah, was a Jewish boy who disagreed with some of the Jewish principles of his day began to profess a new way of thinking. This eventually led to the beginning of the Christian religion. The central point of Christian belief is that God, the Father, entered into human history as the Son, Jesus of Nazereth, and arose as the Holy Spirit.

7 Christian Sects Roman Catholicism vs. Eastern Orthodox- Christian Church divided when the Roman Empire was divided and then fell. Orthodox Christians do not recognize the authority of the Pope. Catholicism vs. Protestantism-as a result of the Reformation, Protestant sects broke with the Catholic Church and established their own separate churches.

8 Important Cities – Jerusalem – Vatican City (Rome) Important Groups – Roman Catholic makes up the largest group of Christians. – Protestant represents a diverse range of theological and social perspectives, denominations, individuals, and related organizations. Would include Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Charismatics, Methodists, Disciples of Christ, etc. – Eastern Orthodox body of Christians that claims origins extending directly back to Jesus and his Apostles. Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Abyssinian (Ethiopia) Orthodox Christianity Crucifixion of the Apostle Peter The Vatican City

9 Catholicism - largest branch o Headed by the Pope  direct link to God o Ceremonial - 7 sacraments  baptism, marriage, Eucharist, etc. o Very traditional Christianity

10 Protestantism - (1517) Reformation era o No Pope needed  individual has direct link to God o Grace through faith rather than sacraments  forgiveness for sins through indiv. prayers o Spread though N. Europe and England  arose same time as 1466 Gutenberg Bible and the printing press Christianity Martin Luther

11 Eastern Orthodoxy - 5th Century split o Rivalry between Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul)  Rome remained center for Roman Catholicism o Rejected Roman Catholicism doctrine  by 1054 officially split o National Churches  Russian, Greek, Serbian Orthodox, etc. Christianity

12 Christian Philosophy God is the Creator of the universe. There is one God, Who is Three Persons- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus is both fully man and fully God. He was born of the Virgin Mary Crucified, resurrected from the dead, and ascended to the Father.

13 Christianity Beliefs Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his Crucifixion (the Resurrection) Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament Christians believe that there is only one God, but that this one God consists of 3 "persons" Christians believe that God made the world.

14 Christianity Beliefs continued Christians believe that they can have a personal relationship with God, and that they are saved by faith, not works. Grace is the law code. They believe in actual heaven and hell. Sin and Evil are realities in our existence. They believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The leader of Christianity was Jesus, and the followers was his 12 disciples. Their giving is a tithe or offerings.

15 Christians Holy Book The Bible is the Christian holy book. It is divided into the Old and New Testaments. Parts of the writing contained in the Old Testament are also sacred to Jewish and Muslim people.

16 Christian Place of Worship The Christian place of worship is called a Church, which are built in the shape of a cross with the altar facing east towards the rising sun. Services are led by a priest, pastor or reverend. Day of worship is normally Sunday but most recently Saturday has been added. Westminster Abbey London

17 Christianity – Map! Christianity 1500 C.E. Christianity Today In 1500, located in Europe and Middle East Today, located in Americas and Europe

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