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InspireChallengeSupport Sixth Form Parents Induction 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "InspireChallengeSupport Sixth Form Parents Induction 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 InspireChallengeSupport Sixth Form Parents Induction 2015

2 Sixth Form Parents Induction PAT system Differences between GCSE and A-Level ALPS targets Being a successful student Dress code and attendance Meet the PATs

3 Purpose of the PATs = Communication! The key to success is to have clear lines of communication. Staff to student Student to parent Parent to staff

4 Personal Academic Tutors The key role of the PAT is to ensure that the student is on target to reach their true potential by:  Establishing an adult to young adult relationship in which a dialogue can take place. This may well be a new experience for some students  Raising students’ self esteem and confidence  Being able to give an overview of the student’s performance across their subjects and where this is leading in terms of their targets  Providing strategies for improvement for each individual  Giving guidance to individuals regarding progression in education and careers  Communicating effectively with subject teachers and parents  Focusing on standards of achievement

5 Studying at A level Old style A-Level Y12 is the first year of a two year course where students study Advanced Subsidiary (AS) levels. Y13 is the second year of the two year course where students study A2 levels. The AS marks are worth 50% of the A2 grades!!!! New style A-Level Y12 is the first year of a one or two year course where students study Advanced Subsidiary (AS) levels Y13 is the second year of the two year course where students study A-Levels The AS exam does not contribute to the A-level grade, but counts as a stand alone qualification if the subject is not studied in Y13, worth half of a full A-Level.

6 Subjects Old style Media Studies Theatre Studies Maths Further Maths French German Spanish Geography Graphics PE Music New style Biology Business Studies Chemistry Economics Physics Psychology English Language English Literature History Sociology Art

7 REMEMBER At GCSE people are concerned with A* - C grades Anything else is often regarded as a failure or not worthy of consideration Students and parents need to make a culture shift at A level At A level A to E is a pass, credited for university applications and employment !!!!

8 Hints and Tips Private study: What to do? How much to do? Where to do it? What gets in the way? If in doubt…..ask PATs

9 Alps Targets Alps is actually a system for providing minimum target grades It is based on students’ performance at GCSE and takes into account all subjects All targets students are set are aspirational They are not a ceiling to limit them!

10 What do they mean? If they achieve their minimum target grade, they have done extremely well and deserve to be praised They will be in the top 25% of other students nationally with the same GCSE grade profile Remember we expect them to be aiming higher than their minimum target!

11 For Example Samantha’s Alps was a minimum B at A Level She actually achieved: Art A, History A, English Lit A, French B She is currently studying History at Oxford James’s Alps was a minimum C at A level he actually achieved: PE A*, History B, Psychology C He is now studying Psychology at Northumbria

12 Tracking Academic performance data are collected for each student at 3 points during the year. This is communicated to parents electronically comparing to minimum target grades and also indicating their behaviour for learning scores It is the basis of discussion for PAT meetings and we hope will be discussed at home The ‘working at grades’ are not predictions but merely indicate the grade at which the student is working at that point in the year You will be invited to a parent consultation meeting with the relevant PAT to discuss academic progress as an addition to the traditional parents’ evening

13 Successful Students Ultimately you as parents, your children and we as a school want the studies of every student to reach a successful conclusion. What makes a successful student? A happy student A well motivated student – clear future goals Commitment to the course – well researched choice of subjects Attendance – the links between regular attendance and student achievement are unquestionable! Realistic expectations – a clear appreciation of their abilities Ability to listen – take note of the advice you are given it is invaluable!

14 DRESS CODE There is no prescribed school uniform for 6 th Form students, but they are asked to dress in a manner appropriate for learning. Shorts are not permitted for boys or for girls and clothes must not be excessively revealing, with skirts and dresses of an appropriate length. Neither hats nor hoods are permitted indoors. X

15 What the students say ‘ I went into my AS year thinking that I would be able to easily cope with the extra work without increasing my work rate from the GCSE years, I soon found out that this was not going to be possible.’ ‘ I have found that the jump from GCSE to As level was quite a dramatic one, more than I was expecting but I haven’t come across anything that is beyond me.’ ‘You need to be very organised with your class notes i.e. neatness and legibility are very important as is keeping them organised sensibly in a file.’ ‘ In the sixth form the teachers treat you more like adults and have a friendly attitude.’ ‘ The teachers are very approachable. If you have any trouble they are always willing to go through it with you until you understand.’ ‘ The best way to stay on top in AS and A level is to keep organised, if you have all your work together it makes it a lot easier. Do the work as you go along while it is fresh in your mind…’

16 How can parents help? Be encouraging Be supportive Be interested Be patient Above all COMMUNICATE!

17 Mark Twain “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.”

18 PATs Mrs Nicky Brothwood Mr Martyn Johnson Mr Jim Riordan Ms Emma Robins Mrs Karen Shires Mrs Justine Ventress Mrs Jayne Watson Mrs Lara Willan

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