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\ 22 Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies by Ghanshyam.

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Presentation on theme: "\ 22 Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies by Ghanshyam."— Presentation transcript:

1 \ 22 Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies by Ghanshyam Khatri 1

2 \ 22 Outline Introduction Three-body (3N) force Experimental tools BINA Detector and it’s status at CCB (Krakow) 3N data base: present and future Results Conclusion 2

3 \ 22 3 Introduction

4 \ 22 4 Introduction Residual of the strong forces Nuclear Force holds protons and neutrons together in an atomic Nuclei

5 \ 22 5 Introduction 1935: Yukawa presented a Theory 1947: Powell proved the theory by experiments  Today, many different Theoretical models are available to exactly describe the nuclear force between any two nucleons. Nuclear Force (Note: Nucleons is a general term for Protons and Neutrons)

6 \ 22 6  even for the simplest Atomic Nucleus e.g. 3 H and 3 He np-scattering nd-scattering Experiment Theory ̶ ̶ ̶... High precision data from Los Alamos W. P. Abfalterer et al., PRL 81, 57 (1998) Introduction …but FAILS to describe Interaction between more than two nucleons! Model[MeV] Nijm I7.72 Nijm II7.62 AV187.62 Reid-937.63 Exp.8.48 Binding Energy of Triton 1935: Yukawa presented a Theory 1947: Powell proved the theory by experiments  Today, many different Theoretical models are available to exactly describe the nuclear force between any two nucleons. Nuclear Force (Note: Nucleons is a general term for Protons and Neutrons)

7 \ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF7.6224.2 2NF +3NF8.4728.3 Experiment8.4828.4 7 Three-body force V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System + = ~ ?

8 \ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF7.6224.2 2NF +3NF8.4728.3 Experiment8.4828.4 8 Three-body force V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System Three-body forces in nature; example + = ~ ?

9 \ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF7.6224.2 2NF +3NF8.4728.3 Experiment8.4828.4 9 Three-body force V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System Three-body forces in nature; example But still there are descripancies between data and theories ! Need detailed study of 3NF. + = ~ ? Earth (and nucleon) are not point like but having internal structure

10 \ 22 10 Experimental Tools Nucleon - Deuteron Scattering (Relatively Simplest but not simple): Elastic: N + d → N + dBreakup: N + d → N + N + N  Very limited phase-space  rich phase-space: a large amount of kinematical config.

11 \ 22 11 Experimental Tools Nucleon - Deuteron Scattering (Relatively Simplest but not simple): Elastic: N + d → N + dBreakup: N + d → N + N + N  Very limited phase-space  rich phase-space: a large amount of kinematical config. deuteron-nucleon breakup reaction is best suited to study 3N interactions

12 \ 22 12 BINA Detector Ball + Target E ΔE Wire chamber (MWPC) Beam Dedicated for few-body ! High-precision data ! TARGET Big Instrument for Nuclear-polarisation Analysis

13 \ 22 13 BINA Detector Ball + Target E ΔE Wire chamber (MWPC) Beam Dedicated for few-body ! High-precision data ! TARGET Big Instrument for Nuclear-polarisation Analysis d p

14 \ 22 14 BINA in Kraków BINA @ Cyclotron Center Bronowice 2014 2012

15 \ 22 15 3N Data Base: Present and Future WASA 2013 KVI-2011 p or d beam data MeV/n neutron beam data Note: dot size tells angular coverage

16 \ 22 16 3N Data Base: Present and Future WASA 2013 KVI-2011 p or d beam data MeV/n BINA@CCB FUTURE !!  Few-body program very successful  Krakow-Katowice-KVI collaboration, new Cyclotron at CCB in Krakow  Energy Range of CCB suitable for this research (50 to 230 MeV)  No need to travelling abroad, (US, Japan and now in Poland)  Strong collabration with theory group of prof Witała in UJ, Kraków  Future:polarized terget, opens a new line of research BINA@CCB neutron beam data Note: dot size tells angular coverage

17 \ 22 17 Results  Experiment performed at KVI with BINA in April 2011. beam: deuteron, energy: 160 MeV, target: Liquid Deuterium  Important Remarks: a step forward with 4N, theories are limited d + d →d + d... elastic d + d → d + p + n... three-body final state d + d → p + p + n + n... four-body final state d + d → d + p (+ n spectator )... QFS d + d → p + p (+2n spectator )... double QFS d + d → 3 H + p... neutron transfer d + d → 3 He + n... proton transfer Theoretical calculations Will be available for Two-body final states (private comunication With A. Deltuva) d+d - EVEN MORE COMPLICATED SYSTEM

18 \ 22 1824 Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : Results 18

19 \ 22 1924 Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : step 1: Presort Results 19

20 \ 22 2024 Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : step 1: Presort Selection of the reaction-channels d+d →d+p+n θ d =20±1, θ p =30±1, φ 12 =180±5 Results step 2: 20

21 \ 22 2124 Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : step 1: Presort step 3:cross sections OUR GOAL θ d =20±1, θ p =30±1, φ 12 =180±5 PRELIMINARY Results step 2: 21 Selection of the reaction-channels d+d →d+p+n

22 \ 22 visiting facilities, learned and gained experience KVI, FZ-Juelich, Lisbon BINA@CCB preparation tests, liquid-target expert Grants: SONATA-BIS Preludium 7 (application) Publications & Conferences MPD FEW-BODY PROJECT Achievements 22

23 \ 22 23 Conclusion and Outlook  Current data analysis of 160MeV data on dp and dd reactions at final stage  Theoreticians have been requested to provide calculations for dd reaction  BINA has been put into operation in Krakow, two tests with BINA were done successfully, 2013 and 2014  Future: Polarised target, we recently comunicated with Japanese expert this month.

24 \ 22 24 Thank you for your attention !!!

25 \ 22 Backup slides 25

26 \ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF7.6224.2 2NF +3NF8.4728.3 Experiment8.4828.4 26 Introduction 3NF contribution Hot-Spot to see 3NF: medium energies ?! + = ~ V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System

27 \ 22 Experimental Tools: Three-Nucleon Scattering @ Medium Energies  Elastic: N + d → N + d 0 60120180 10 -1 0 1 without Coul. with Coul. Relativity Coulomb Effects small, located at extreme angles only ! Three-body force 27

28 \ 22 Breakup Reaction Kinematic  Three nucleons in the final state - 9 variables  Energy-momentum conservation – 4 equations Five independent kinematical variables: θ 1, θ 2, φ 1 2 =φ 1 -φ 2, E 1, E 2 1 H(d,pp)n 1 H(d,pp)n measured: directions and energies of two protons arclength variable S distance from kinematical curve D Three-body force 28

29 \ 22 29

30 \ 22 30 Introduction Ab-initio calculations for light nuclei Courtesy S. Pieper, Argonne (+3NF)

31 \ 22 31 Introduction Ab-initio calculations for light nuclei Courtesy S. Pieper, Argonne (+3NF)

32 \ 22 32 3N dynamics Three-body forces in a NUCLEAR system ! N N N

33 \ 22 33 3N dynamics Three-body forces in a NUCLEAR system ! N N N 

34 \ 22 K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, 054004 (2003), PRC 71, 064004 (2005) pd elastic scattering cross sections 34 3N dynamics Models vs. Data

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