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Government By Wilson. Australian Labour Party There goal to build a strong economy and a fair society that provides every Australian with the opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Government By Wilson. Australian Labour Party There goal to build a strong economy and a fair society that provides every Australian with the opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government By Wilson

2 Australian Labour Party There goal to build a strong economy and a fair society that provides every Australian with the opportunity to succeed. There beliefs, National Platform includes members and supporters in the community with a clear statement of Labor’s beliefs, values and program for government.

3 Liberal Party Of Australia We believe the future of regional Australia is critical to the future of our nation. Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, delivering opportunity and prosperity for all regional Australians, and ensuring a sustainable environment.

4 National Party of Australia We believe the future of regional Australia is critical to the future of our nation. Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, and ensuring a good environment.

5 Australian Greens Good economic management means taking care of our earth. The future for Australia can still be a successful one if we build our economy on green principles rather than short-term self- interest.

6 Katter’s Australian Party The Member Ray Hopper, has been endorsed as the State Leader of Katter's Australian Party. On 27 September 2011, Katter's Australian Party was sign up by the Australian Electoral Commission

7 Democratic labour party Democratic labour party president John Madigan looked likely to be elected as the sixth and final Senator for Victoria, which was confirmed a few weeks later. Elected for a six-year term from 1 July 2011, Madigan is the first Senator to be elected as a federal member of a party under the name of "Democratic Labor Party"

8 Bibliography atWeStandFor.aspx atWeStandFor.aspx's_Australian_Par ty#Name's_Australian_Par ty#Name y#State_member_2006.E2.80.932010 y#State_member_2006.E2.80.932010 y#Elections y#Elections

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