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Get your ESRT out and be ready Your quiz will begin when the bell rings. You will need you ESRT and your brain. You’ll have a minute per question.

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Presentation on theme: "Get your ESRT out and be ready Your quiz will begin when the bell rings. You will need you ESRT and your brain. You’ll have a minute per question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get your ESRT out and be ready Your quiz will begin when the bell rings. You will need you ESRT and your brain. You’ll have a minute per question.

2 Question 1 What is the Latitude and Longitude of Old Forge, NY?

3 Question 2 The Adirondack Mountains are the oldest part of New York State. What is the geologic period that they formed? (hint use page 3 ESRT)

4 Question 3 What is the Density, Pressure and Temperature ranges for the Outer Core?

5 Question 4 What is the chemical formula for Quartz? (use your ESRT page 16)

6 Answers 1)What is the Latitude and Longitude of Old Forge, NY? 1)43 o 40’ N 74 o 55’ W 2)What is the geologic period that they formed? 1)Middle Proterozoic 3)What is the Density, Pressure and Temperature ranges for the Outer Core? 1)9.9-12.1g/mL, 1.5-3.0 million ATM, 5,000- 6,300 o C 4)What is the chemical formula for Quartz? 1)SiO 2

7 Minerals & Rocks Unit 2

8 Minerals There are 1000’s of minerals out there but only a few dozen common ones. Your ESRT has the common ones we will study.

9 Crystals Structure

10 Rocks There are three types of rocks: –Igneous (from Fire) –Metamorphic (changed from heat & pressure) –Sedimentary (from other rocks)


12 ESRT PAGE 7 (top)

13 ESRT PAGE 7 (bottom)

14 ESRT PAGE 6 (top) ROCK CYCLE All rocks come from others?!

15 Mineral Brochure Your task is to create a informational brochure on minerals. (like a kids book) You can use any of the resources to complete this. Your must have a page discussing at least: –Definitions –Mineral properties with pictures explaining –How to ID minerals –Funny thoughts and creativeness will be rewarded!

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