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GEOGRAPHY the study of where places are, the study of people, their environments, and the resources available to them What are the 5 themes of Geography?

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2 GEOGRAPHY the study of where places are, the study of people, their environments, and the resources available to them What are the 5 themes of Geography?

3 LOCATION 1.absolute – latitude, longitude 2. relative-- described by landmarks, time, direction, or distance from one place to another and may associate a particular place with another

4 A map of New York City which shows the absolute location of 76°W 42°N

5 PLACE 1.Physical Every place can be described in terms of it's physical characteristics, including land features, plants, animals, and even weather. 2. Human These features can include a place's buildings, man-made landmarks, and generally, anything that has been built by man.

6 The unique skyline of San Francisco makes it distinct from any other place.


8 So, what are the physical and human characteristics of El Paso, Texas?







15 Human/Environmental Interactions *people have been affected by their environment * they modified it and adapted to it

16 MOVEMENT People move for different reasons

17 REGIONS We categorize regions in two basic ways: 1.Physical: defined by landforms, climates, soils, and natural vegetations (ex: Great Plains of the United States, Australian Outback, Gobi Desert of Mongolia) 2.Cultural: distinguished by language, religion, lifestyle, politics, and common industry (ex: the Middle East, and the Amish religious enclaves of south-central Pennsylvania) Regions can be any size.

18 Assignment: Map out the directions from Americas H.S. to your home: 1. Draw a map 2. Give directions in your own words

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